Where Is The Rest?

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Requested by kimsjjn


Jin dropped onto the dance studio floor, drenched in an unbelievable amount of sweat. It was flooding out of his pores while heat radiated off his body.

After another long day of intense dance practice, with Hobi making everyone do the same dance routines over and over again in order to get it perfect, the oldest was absolutely exhausted. They'd been at this for weeks now.

Namjoon came over and offered Jin some cold water. "We did it, hyung! Another day done!"

"Ah...Namjoonie-ah..." Jin sat up and wiped his sweat as he grabbed the water from Namjoon. "We have to do it all over again tomorrow. Then the next day. Then the next. Yah!" He dropped back down to lay on the floor. He looked over to see the three maknae's chasing each other. He had absolutely no clue how the three of them had an ounce of energy left after the day of practice they'd just had. He saw Yoongi and Hobi hanging out by the snack cooler, happy with a hard days work finally over.

Jin closed his eyes, even if he could get a few minutes of a nap in before they headed home, that'd be enough for him to muster the strength to even walk to the car at this point.

"Time to go!" Namjoon yelled to everyone.

"Aish...." Jin groaned. "Help me up." Jin raised his arm to Namjoon. The leader laughed at him.

"Seriously, hyung?" Namjoon giggled as he grabbed Jin's arm and pulled him up.

"Now carry me," Jin commanded.

"Absolutely not!" Namjoon refused, running away from Jin before being told what to do any further. Jin dragged his feet behind the others to the car. His legs were on fire. He usually drove but asked someone else to take over. He really needed to be able to close his eyes. Yoongi drove everyone home and unfortunately the younger members were pretty dependent on their oldest hyung for a lot of things, so when he mentioned needing help to make dinner, everything was a chaotic mess.

They sat around the table and Hobi already started talking about some things they would need to work on during practice tomorrow.

"When do we have to be ready by? For the video shoot?" Jimin asked, slurping up a bowl of noodles.

"We still have a few more weeks of practice before we have to film," Namjoon answered. As the leader, he had the answer to most of the groups questions. Jin widened his eyes in Namjoon's direction. "Do we have any scheduled breaks between now and then?" He was so, so desperate for rest.

"No, we don't." Namjoon didn't show much emotion in his answer, as if this was completely normal to work this hard. They were used to it by now. At least they were supposed to act like they were used to it, anyway.

Jin was struggling the most. Everyone else had plenty of energy even after dinner. The oldest mentioned going to bed early and Jungkook immediately sulked, wanting to spend time with the oldest before the night was over.

"Sorry, kiddo. Hyung needs sleep!" Jin patted Jungkook on the head and departed to his room. Namjoon could tell how much sleep his hyung needed so he offered to clean up his spot at the table.

"Maybe he's getting too old," Yoongi joked as he was helping Namjoon clean. The joke sent Hobi tumbling over onto the ground because he was laughing so hard.

The night progressed and the rest of the members got to bed. They all knew tomorrow was going to be another long day but were aware that all of this hard work was part of the job.

Yoongi tried hard to wake Jin up the next morning so they could get going, but the oldest wasn't having it. He was exhausted. Before opening his eyes he tried to come up with a million excuses as to why he wouldn't be able to go to practice today.

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