Chapter 24

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Robin walked in the house she went up stairs to Nancy she was in their room. "Hey is everything alright" Robin asked Nancy looked at Robin starting to tear up "Can I see that" Robin asked pointing at the pregnancy test Nancy didn't want to speak so she nodded. Robin got the the test before she looked at it she kissed Nancy on the lips. Robin looked down at the test and saw two lines. She kput the test on the counter and pulled Nancy in the a hug "Do you want to keep it" robin asked "Yes I do" "Alright I will love this one as much as I love you, Matthew and Andrew" Robin kissed Nancy's forehead.

They decided that they would tell everyone when Mrs and mr wheeler came to pick up Holly which is tomorrow. They were I but scared but it was going to be worth it.

(Time skip to tomorrow because I'm lazy)

Robin woke up to knocking at the front door. Robin put some pants and a shirt then ran down stairs. Robin opened the door to see Mr and mrs Wheeler "Oh hi" "Hello robin we are here to get holly"Mrs wheeler said "Yeah sure let me go wake her" Robin ran upstairs. That's when Nancy came down stairs "Oh hi mom and dad" "Hi honey we are here to pick up holly" "Good because me and Robin have to tell you guys something" "alright" Robin came back down stairs "She will be down in a bit" "So mama and dad we have to tell you something it's going to be surprising" "Please tell us honey" "So me and Robin kinda did something and I took a test it came out positive"

Mrs wheeler got up and asked to talk to Nancy they went to the kitchen. "Nancy why" "Why what mom" "Why you have three kids with Robin but you haven't even got married I know Robin is nice but she is really trying to get a another lump in her pants" "Mom Robin is not like that" "Ok I'm sorry I don't know what got in to me" Mrs wheeler pulled Nancy into a hug "Congratulations honey I'm proud of you and I love you" "Thanks mom I love you too" Nancy said tearing up

Meanwhile with Robin and Ted
"So Robin you got my daughter pregnant but when did this happen" "So this happened a few nights ago" "Let me ask you a question" "Alright" "Are you going to be with Nancy through all the pain" "Yes sir" "Will you be there to care for the baby as much as you can" "Yes sir" "Are you willing to marry my daughter" "Yes sir it's the only thing I want to do right now" "Congratulations Robin you are the only one I trust with my daughters heart" "Thank you sir" Robin said then they hugged
"Be the best parent that kid could ever ask for and be that parent I couldn't be for Nancy" "I will do my absolute best sir"

Holly went down stairs all dressed and packed. "Hey Robin" "Yeah Holly" "I over heard you guys congrats I guess that one night was fun hearing Nancy's moans in your ear huh" Robin turned red. Holly left and went home. "Hey what did you and my dad talk about" "He was just giving me a pep talk and advice" "What did you and your mom talk about" "She was making up things in her mind I guess and she thought you were lump in your pants" "Not the first time I have had a parent say that" "what did you do" "When I was dating one of my exs I kissed her in front of her parents on accident and her mom told her to stop any contact with me because she got pregnant and we were 15" "Well that parent was definitely very protective for a good reason but I am pregnant and in need of soft kisses and cuddling please" "Right away ma'am"

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