The Weekend Express

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Chapter 1: The Weekend Express
(( I don't own Michael Vey it belongs to Richard Paul Evans nor do I own the characters or the chapter title or the original plot line of this story the only thing I do own is writing this fan fiction idea where Michael is killed and the affects this has on the original story written. the story takes place in chapter 42 of the second book of the series so you can consider this an AU.))
The Weekend express
Michael's Pov
It didn't take too long for us too make it too the vent opening above the mechanical room.
"That's it! It's clear below, Just Raul and Tanner!" Ian shouted to Wade who was in the front, closest to the vent.
Wade was quick to pull the vents cover off, he shouted out to Raul and Tanner, "Hey guys it's us!" Before dropping down to the ground. Ian helped Zeus and Abigail down to Wade and Raul before climbing down himself, Taylor got down by herself and Jack help my mother get down then went himself. McKenna went before me and then I got out as well.
I saw Raul standing next to a open pipe and Tanner was curled up next to the lockers with a shirt over his head.
"Where's the guard we left in there?" Jack questioned Raul.
Raul spoke to Ostin, who turned and translated it into English for us, "The guards can be executed for going AWOL, so he's probably running for his life."
I turned to my mom and put a hand on her shoulder, "I know it's crazy, but hang in there we're going to get home again."
My mother smiled at me though it was a bit forced, "I know we are. I'm so proud of you Michael. Your father would be proud of the man you've become."
I had no idea how to reply, he words had a huge affect on me. I finally managed to say, "Thanks, now let's get out of here." I turned back to face the group, "McKenna you go first so you can light the way."
McKenna stared nervously down the pipe.
"Is something wrong?" Ostin asked.
"I'm just a little claustrophobic."
"Just look straight ahead and think of feathers. Ostin said.
"Something soft and relaxing, it will help."
"Feathers. Thanks." McKenna smiled at him and climbed in.
Next in was Jack who carried Zeus, then Abigail so she could keep constant contact with Zeus, then Raul, Wade, my mother and Taylor, and Tanner.
While she was in the pipe Taylor turned back to me, "Come on."
"Go on, I'll be right there." I said.
She looked at me with a nervous expression but carried on, all that was left was Ian Ostin and me. As Ian climbed into the pipe we heard a short period of machine gun fire.
"Ian, how close are they?" I said.
"They're entering the butchery."
I felt fear grasp me, we'd run out of time.
"Go! They need you to make sure it's safe at the other end!" I shouted.
Ostin climbed into the pipe after Ian slid out of sight, and said, "Come on, Michael."
"We're not going to make it." I said.
"What do you mean? We're almost out."
"They could be here any second the guards know about the pipe. If we just disappear, they're going to figure it out. Then all they need to do is throw a grenade down the pipe or wait at the other end to catch us. We need time. We need to keep them looking."
Ostin seemed anxious now, "I don't like where this is going, what are you thinking?"
"Anacondas. Hatch wants me. If he follows me, everyone else can get out. Taylor's got the Gps and can get you to the public pickup point." I said.
"You can't do this! if we need a distraction it should be me!" Ostin said.
"Hatch doesn't care about you."
Ostin just stared at me, the machine gun fire sounded off closer this time.
"We don't have time to debate this, you know I'm right."
"They'll catch you."
"Think Ostin, it's the logical choice and this way everyone else gets out and I have a chance."
"You know it's the logical thing! Now get out of here. I'm locking the pipe behind you, so there's no turning back. I'll lose the guards then I'll join you."
"But you don't know where we're going."
"Remember plan B. Find me in Cuzco."
There was a crash right outside the door, my heart raced faster, "Go! Now!"
Ostin's eyes were watering up, "Don't get caught!"
"I don't plan to! Go!"
Ostin disappeared down the pipe and I wasted no time in sealing off the entrance to the pipe. I blocked it with some crates and pulled down my visor just as the door swung open I dropped a smoke grenade.
Ostin came out of the pipe a little bit after the others were all out. Raul however wasn't there having had run off after taking a knife from Jack. They waited there as Ostin caught his breath but Michael still hadn't come out.
"Where is he?! Michael!" Taylor called out.
"H-he's not coming....." Ostin gasped out.
"What do you mean he's not coming?! Why not?!" Taylor shouted.
"Michael stayed behind to be a distraction for the guards. We wouldn't have made it out In time." Ostin said.
"What.....?" Michael's mom whispered to herself, Taylor and Ostin didn't hear but Jack and Tanner who happen to be near her did, when they looked at her they saw the agony on her face. Tanner, although uncomfortable doing so, gave Michael's mom a one arm hug of sorts.
"You're suppose to be his friend?! You didn't try to stop him?!"
"I did!"
"Well obviously you didn't try hard enough!"
Taylor took a step back at the look of anger on Ostin's face, everyone else watched the exchange in shock all their time together they had never seen Ostin so mad.
"Screw you Taylor! Michael is like a brother to me! Of course I fucking tried to stop him!" Ostin turned around and stormed off.
They were all silent besides Mrs. Veg's light crying.
"Ian! Where's Michael?!" Taylor ignored the glare McKenna shot at her.
McKenna rolled her eyes and ran off after Ostin.
"He's standing in front of about eight guards, they're just.....talking?" Ian replied staring back the way they came.
"So he's okay?" Jack asked.
A round of machine gun fire went off.
"N-no....." Ian's eyes widened and began to water, "T-They......they shot him......"
"W-what?" Taylor's voice cracked and she collapsed to her knees.
Abigail stepped forward and hugged her just as a broken cry filled the air, all eyes were moist and they all looked over to where the cry had come from, Michael's mother was gripping her hair in her clenched fists and was sobbing her heart out repeatedly saying, " Michael.....not my baby......please......not my baby boy!"
There was a light thump and the kids turned and saw Ostin on the ground as well, tears streaming down his face and a shattered look in his eyes, McKenna stood crying by his side. They all remembered Ostin's previous words, 'Michael is like a brother to me!'
"I-I can't lose Michael! I've already lost his father I can't lose him too!" Mrs. Vey cried in anguish.
The kids all gathered together huddling around Mrs. Vey and they all cried their eyes out for at least 15-20 minutes, they would have kept going had it not been for Raul reappearing with a bunch of green leaves in his arms.
"Sabila." Raul announced with some hesitation.
"What's sabila?" Jack looked at the others.
Abigail and McKenna shrugged.
Raul turned to Ostin and repeated, "Sabila!"
"Sabila? Oh! Sabila!" Ostin's eyes widened in recognition.
"We.....w-what's Sabila?" Taylor stuttered remembering clearly how angry she had made Ostin.
"......" Ostin stares at Taylor in silence before he spoke, "It's for Zeus! Its Aloe Vera! It's a cactus-like plant that grows in Peru and is useful for treating burns."
Raul nodded and kneeled besides Zeus.
"They might burn me more." Zeus pointed out looking at the moist leaves.
Raul took a little bit of the moisture off of the leaf and placed his finger against Zeus's skin when nothing happened Zeus relaxed and let Raul continue with placing the salve on Him.
Zeus groaned.
"Uh......Raul..." Ostin waited for Raul to look at him, "Michael el.....el fue baleado por los guardias y él michael está muerto......."
"Lo siento por su pérdida......" Raul frowned and looked like he was fighting back tears himself.
"Is he....? I mean Michael is he really?" Zeus whispered to Jack so the still crying Mrs. Vey wouldn't hear him.
"...yeah....Ian saw him get.....shot by the guards......" Jack answered slowly.
"Ostin..." Taylor walked up to Ostin and waited until he turned to her, "I'm sorry....I know you never would've left Michael behind. Yeah you are his best friend and I shouldn't of-"
"It's fine."
"It's okay Taylor. I know you were upset we all are. Michael he....he was important to me too."
Taylor smiled sadly and hugged Ostin.
Ostin put out his fist, "Bones."
They all managed to escape and followed the GPS to the meeting point, soon they were met by Jamie once more and taken to a new meeting point at an airport were they were soon flown out, where they had no idea as to where they were being taken, but soon they arrived at a ranch where they were welcomed by many and held a funeral for Michael but they did not have a body so there was no need for a casket but candles were lit, and a gravestone made which lay just under hidden in the shadow of an old tree by the fence. None of them could bring themselves to go on missions for 'The Voice' they felt it wasn't the same without Michael. The Elegen have grown stronger they've spread their power to further areas of the world, The Voice has made true to his word and had given them all a new life, a new home new school their names remained the same but all records of their existence renewed. Of course this all happened a year ago.
As of right now this is just a one-shot, but I may add more to it and make it a story.

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