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Chapter two: Michael?
"Oh, I'm coming!" Mrs. Ridley hurried over to the door and answered it just as Mr. Ridley asked who was there.
"It's the kids!" Mrs. Ridley smiled, the kids had been coming to the house every morning before school she wasn't sure why her husband bothered asking who it is.
"Is Taylor ready Mrs. Ridley?" McKenna asked peeking her head into the house.
"Ready? Oh, Oh! I forgot to wake her! Wait here I'll go make sure she's up." Mrs. Ridley announced hurrying up the stairs to wake up her daughter.
"Taylor, sweetie it's time to get up. you're going to be late for school."
"Mom?" Taylor sat up, "What time is it?"
"What?! I'm going to be late!" Taylor screamed jumping up out of bed.
"The others are already downstairs waiting for you." Mrs. Ridley laughed at her daughter fumbling around her room.
"Okay, okay. tell them I'll be down in a minute!" Taylor yelled as her mother shut the bedroom door behind her.
"She'll be down shortly. Would any of you like something to eat? Drink?" Mrs. Ridley smiled at the kids in front of her, McKenna and Ostin were holding hands but the front door and Jack was standing by the window with his arm around Abigail and Wade was sitting on the couch in between Ian and Zeus, Mrs. Ridley noticed Tanner wasn't there but remembered how he's not attending school and is staying with Mrs. Vey.
They all declined but Wade took a cup of orange juice which he drank down slowly, savoring his favorite drink.
"Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Taylor ordered, running down the stairs and out the door.
The others were startled but wasted no time in hurrying after her.
"Thanks for the juice!" Wade called out to Mrs. Ridley and smiling at Mr. Ridley who had just come downstairs as he raced out the door shutting it behind him.
"What time did you go to sleep last night?!" Abigail teased as she ran next to Taylor.
"I sleep at normal time!" Taylor retorted.
"Which is?"
Abigail and the others laughed loudly startling nearby people.
It was just as the late bell rang that they made it into the school.
"Well, we're gonna head to English." Jack said giving Abigail a quick peck and pulling Wade alongside him down the hall.
"We're going to get going to." Ostin smiled walking off with Ian and McKenna, Zeus and Abigail and Taylor went their own ways to their own classes as well.
"Damn, I hope we don't get a detention for being late." Jack muttered as him and Wade took their sweet ol' time getting to Mrs. Langston's English class.
"We'll just tell her your locker jammed." Wade shrugged.
"Oh, and you're late waiting for me?" Jack smirked.
As soon as Jack pulled open the classroom door he froze in his spot, paling slightly as well.
"Jack? What's wrong? Why aren't you going in?" Wade asked before finally giving up on getting Jack to move and settled for looking over his shoulder and freezing in his spot as well.
"You two! Do you know how late you are?!" Mrs. Langston snapped, "you're five minutes late! Class has already started! You just missed introduction's as well! This is Michael he's our new transfer student.
"......." Jack and Wade stayed silent, they continued to stare at Michael who just so happened to look exactly like their friend who died saving them a year ago.
".....Boys?" Mrs. Langston hesitated put off by the boys strange behavior, "......Perhaps you two should see the school nurse...."
"I'll take them Mrs. Langston. I need to get use to finding my way around the school anyway." Michael smiled.
"Alright, be careful with them." Mrs. Langston shook her head, "They're trouble they are."
Michael nodded politely and gently pushed Jack and Wade out of the doorway and closed it behind him.
"You don't want to actually go to the nurse, do you?" Michael asked although he felt like he already knew the answer.
"Ah......n-no." Jack finally spoke.
Michael felt his eye start to twitch, he was starting to get a little uncomfortable with all the staring.
Jack noticed the twitch and elbowed Wade to get him to stop staring.
"So....uh, w-what was your name again?" Jack coughed, mentally smacking himself for stuttering.
"I'm Michael, Michael Vey."
Jack's eyes widened and Wade tensed.
"Do you know who we are?" Jack asked after a minute.
"Sorry, no. I never got your guys names....." Michael smiled a bit awkwardly.
"....I'm Jack and this is Wade, nice to meet you...."
"Nice to meet you too, so if you don't wanna go to the nurse and I doubt you want to go to class, wanna show me around?" Michael asked almost hopefully.
"Sure thing. Let's get going before Mrs. Langston comes looking for us." Jack grinned.n
So for the rest of the period Jack and Wade showed Michael around the school and learned about him as well. they learned that Michael is 16 almost 17, lives with a roommate, and recently moved here. When Wade asked about Michael's past they accidentally found out that Michael doesn't have any memory of more than a year ago.
"You really can't remember your past? Wow...." Wade seemed shocked but then again so did Jack.
"Yeah....I didn't even know what my name was...." Michael gulped.
"But you remembered, right?" Jack asked.
"No, my friend has to tell me what my name was. I couldn't remember." Michael gulped loudly and looked away when Wade and Jack continued to stare at him.
"Do you know why you can't remember?"
"No. But whenever I try to remember it hurts." Michael said.
Before either Wade or Jack could say anything the bell rang, signaling the end of first period.
"Oi! Michael!" Jack yelled over the noise of kids pouring out of the classrooms to Michael who was walking to class, "Meet me and Wade later! During Lunch!"
Michael was hesitant but yelled back a confirmation anyway.
There's chapter two! And sorry but I cried for hours when I read Wade died, so I'm making me him alive in this story since I DID say I was changing so things up XD.
Shod I continue?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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