chapter 6

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Hyunjin felt like rebelling today because according to him had been too long even though it was literally two days ago. He had to annoy whichever teacher was on the schedule today and that happened to be Chan.

He got late deliberately even though he had long arrived at uni and now he was looking for some drama. Hyunjin knew Chan was easy going and the best he would do is kick him out of class." You're late Hyunjin." Chan said as he sighed and turned to the board to write something.

"I never said you can go to your seat young man." Chan scolded when he turned around and found Hyunjin already going to his seat. Jisung was already there sleeping on his table.

" May I go to my table Mr. Bang?" Hyunjin asked as he sat down on his chair. Chan looked at Hyunjin without saying anything. Hyunjin just shrugged and took out his phone.

Chan ignored him and started with his lecture. He had no intention to scold or use his alpha voice on Hyunjin just yet. Hyunjin had told him that he hated alphas so there was no way he was going to lose his mate over a little thing.

"Hyunjin do you mind getting out of my class?" Chan said as his anger rose quickly. Hyunjin could feel that Chan was getting angry and this riled him up." I don't know Mr. Bang do you?"

"Sorry sir." Jisung apologized on behalf of Hyunjin as he nudged him by the elbow. The whole class wondered what was going on. Normally Jisung was a partner in crime but today he was keeping Hyunjin in check.

"That's your mate, you dumbo." Jisung whispered to Hyunjin." I just want to see if he will hate me after seeing my behavior."Hyunjin whispered back.

" Hyunjin you know where my office is. See you there." Chan said without looking at the culprit. Hyunjin made his way to Chan's office and Chan quickly wrapped up the lesson and proceeded to his office.

"Hyunjin you know I don't appreciate your behavior from earlier right?" Chan questioned once in his office." But hyung.."Hyunjin started before Chan interrupted.

" Hyunjin, it's still school time. Take these notes and review them. And until you're done you're not supposed to say anything unless it's related to the information on that paper."

Chan wasn't being strict or aggressive but his voice carried a tone of finality and Hyunjin nodded. Hyunjin did as he was told and the only time that he talked was when he didn't understand something and Chan explained it. After a while Hyunjin finished his work.

" I'm done now, can I go?" Hyunjin asked as he stood up with his bag." Guess I won't be seeing you anymore."  Chan said before utterly regretting his choice of words as Hyunjin's scent became off. Before he knew it he heard Hyunjin's soft sniffles.

" What's wrong pumpkin? Are you hurt somewhere?do you wanna go home?" Chan said quickly." You don't like me anymore?" Hyunjin asked weakly. Chan's movements stilled for a moment as he watched Hyunjin sniffling.

" Pumpkin would you mind sitting on my lap?" Chan said but in actual reality it was him commanding Hyunjin to sit. Hyunjin sat down and Chan took his hands into his.

"Munchkin, I would never not like you my pretty boy. I know and understand that due to past traumas and pains it may be difficult to believe that indeed I like you but I really do. Even if you're a naughty omega, you're still mine and I still like you like that." Chan reassured Hyunjin and Hyunjin nodded loving it when Chan called him his.

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