sam snaps, mike breaks, and corey's a stubborn bastard

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"Do you copy?" came Lucas's voice through Sam's Walkie. "This is a code red!"

In between El and Max, Sam grumbled, digging her head further into the pillow. They'd just finally fallen asleep again, because Sam had woken them up an hour prior, screaming from a nightmare. The second Sam's heart slowed down enough to sleep, this had to happen.

"I repeat: this is a code red," Lucas continued. "Sam. Do you copy? This is a code red!"

Sam tried getting out of bed to answer her stupid Walkie, but El wrapped her arms around Sam's torso and prevented her from doing so. She dug herself into Sam's side, and Sam felt guilty, because not only did Sam receive zero sleep due to the nightmares, but she also prevented Max and El from sleeping as well.

"Seriously. This — is — a — code — red!"

Max groaned, properly woken up by the annoying voice now. Since she was closest to the side Sam's Walkie was on, Max reached down and grabbed it off the floor.

Max clicked the Walkie on, growled, "Shut — up!"

In agitation, Max retracted the antenna that stuck out of Sam's Walkie and turned the device off completely. She placed it on the floor before turning back towards where Sam and El were cuddling. Max joined them, throwing an arm and a leg over Sam's body.

Sam could faintly hear Max grumbling about stupid and boys and not understanding the respect of letting the girls rest because they didn't get any sleep last night. She chose to ignore it, though, because she was much more captivated by the actual thought of sleeping. Sam let her eyes close again, allowing that feeling of drowsiness return.

Just when the girls were about to fall back asleep, the phone in Sam's room began ringing.

Sam shot up from the bed in anger, a very furious-and-unlike-Sam expression painted on her face. Both El and Max were shifted by Sam's movement, considering they'd been latched onto her.

"You've got to be kidding me," Sam glowered, the other two girls realizing just how scary an angry Sam was.

Sam threw off her covers and jumped out of the bed, having to climb over Max to even do so. She marched up to the still-ringing phone, tired and angry; it was an awful combination for the person on the other line, really.

Sam finally answered the phone, but she was by no means happy about it. "I'm sleeping, Jay, go away—!"

"This is Mike, do not hang up," came the urgent voice of her best friend.

Sam leaned back from the phone a little, surprised. She put the speaker over her ear again to finally hear the boys out.

"Something happened, Sam," Mike continued. "Something bad."

"Um..." Sam shared confused eye contact with Max and El, who were still on the bed. She shrugged cluelessly before facing her phone again. "Good morning?"

She could hear Mike scoff.

"Not really. Our very lives could be at stake right now, Samantha."

The Long Game,  Lucas SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now