Chapter Thirty Two: engravings // Dirtier Thoughts

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((TW/CW: Primal Play / Chasing / Hunting / Deadly Hide and Go Seek / Attempted Murder / CNC as always / Violence / Anal / Breeding Kink / Verbal Humiliation & Degradation / Risky Sex /F Orgasm Denial)) 

Regardless of what he'd done to keep me safe from those of his Court, Sebastian hadn't done me any favors.

My chest felt like it had a fire burning in it as I slipped through the trees and out past the clearing. I struggled to catch my breath at all, cursing Sebastian in the process for constricting that precious air flow for so long. Though I wondered if this had been his plan all along once he'd caught me snooping around.

Scare the shit out of me, weaken me, and send me frantically running into the Forbidden Forest where I might get killed by something other than him.

A perfect plan, naturally.

I rounded a cluster of boulders, nearly snagging my cloak on it as I ran. This was a much different game then the one we'd played when he'd chased me through the maze of my minds, in that dark pillar filled room. While we still played a game of cat and mouse, and the stage was much different, it wasn't fear that coursed through me.

It was exhilarating.

The metallic tang of that feeling was just as potent as a lovely dose of adrenaline, and both ran as hot in my blood as they breathed through my lungs. There was something to be felt in the pits of my stomach when I considered Sebastian, full of his anger and playfulness, sprinting after me like I was prey.

This chase didn't hold the same grip of fear that the dream had because it lacked the bloodthirsty rage Sebastian had used to make me fear for my life. Though it felt something akin to that, the chemical reaction of terror and excitement made me feel positively giddy as I ran. That sensation reminded me of playing a childhood game of tag, however this one was much more dangerous.

There wouldn't be anything cute at the end of this game, like being put in jail. I would never have a turn at being the chaser. No little gentle taps on the shoulder to win, and there would be a distinct lack of laughter - at least the kind that incited fun.

When the one who was 'it' finally caught up to me, there would only be pain. That thought excited me and terrified me when I considered how much trouble I was really in with Sebastian. My body was well acquainted with the stinging abuse of his unforgiving hand.

But it knew of that deliciously awful pleasure that soon followed after it.

"Swear on it."

Even though I'm sure Natty was still nearly across the woods, hunting for those plants, it was like she somehow knew to send her own voice into my ears. Though I could barely hear it over the sound of my rampant heartbeat that drowned out everything but the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet. That flimsy promise I'd given her had allowed rationality to blossom when the time came. I hadn't even realized that she would use it to sow it there, and as I ran, those thoughts grew into something wild and overgrown.

I tried to ignore the deafening drum of my heart, as I listened for any signs of Sebastian.

Between my own thoughts, that damn thing in my chest, and my own breath it was nearly impossible to gauge how far away he might be. I stopped behind the trunk of a tree and rested my head against its wood for a moment. The cool night air whipped around my face and offered relief from the flush in my cheeks, however it did nothing to put out the burning in my lungs as I tried to steady my breath.

Rationality, ever my mistress, had a point. There was a choice to be made here as I listened to the hushed sounds of the forest.

Run, fight, or call for reinforcements - those are your options for tonight.

A Ballad of Snakes and Shadows // A Dark Sebastian Sallow RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now