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Rose driving the car to the hotel and taehyung keep crying and hugging himself tightly...rose look at him after every 5 second... She ask him what happened but he just said one thing...he is a very bad son...

She sigh and look at the road then her eyes landed on side mirror..." Tae i think someone is following us..." Tae didn't look back because he know who is the person...

"Seriously tae what's going on.. You are crying mess here and now someone followin- wait is that Mr.jeon car..? Why he is following us like that...tae what the fck happened?" Rose said in frustration

"Please j-just don't stop the car and t-take me to the h-hotel.." Tae said..

"But its Mr.jeon-" tae cut her

"I know..just take m-me to the h-hotel i beg y-you.."

"Hey why you saying like that.. and please stop crying... you making me worried... " rose said with sad eyes

"I-i m sorry..." Tae said and continue crying...

After 10 minutes rose stop the car...

"We are h-" she stop herself when tae open the door and run inside the hotel .....

When tae went inside, he was heartbroken to see the scene...all guests are gone... Namjoon sitting on the ground with blank face.. Jin and bogum father was with him... Yoongi was standing like a statue... Jimin was standing next to him holding his hand...

And bogum... Who notice him... look at him with teary eyes..

Tae feel guilty... He know he hurt bogum... He was waiting for him and he didn't think about anything..not even his parents and became selfish and go with jungkook... He look away from him and look at his parents... With a lot of courage he opened his mouth..


They look at him....There was nothing in there eyes...not even hate....just blank.... He hate that...

"D-dad..i-i..-" he couldn't complete his sentence when he feel hard slap...

He close his eyes and tell himself that he deserve that...

He slowly look at the person with teary eyes...

Jimin eyes widened because yoongi never even raised his voice at taehyung now he slapped him

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Jimin eyes widened because yoongi never even raised his voice at taehyung now he slapped him... But he feel happy inside because thats he want it... Yoongi to hate taehyung . .. And after what he did today. Destroyed his fcking wedding... He deserve more then just a slap...he thought..


"What are you doing here...?" Yoongi said in dark voice....

"Hyung i-i.."

"DON'T CALL ME HYUNG..." Yoongi yelled ...taehyung couldn't help but start crying

"H-hyyng p-please ..." Taehyung cried...

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