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Hey peoples!! So I have good news!! I'm finally better! I can go explore again! *does a happy dance*

Today I was running around my pond cause I'm full of energy. I stopped when I saw cute little turtles swing in the lake! I got down on my knees to look at them better and to get a little rest. As I was looking at the turtles I saw a shadow creep over me. I thought it was nothing so I got up. When I was about to leave one of the turtles eyes started to glow red. Now this was freaky so I bolted to the other side of the lake. When I started to slow down I was heading for the passage way that I had to take just to be able to get home. Walking through the passage way I got tugged at. Then something/someone covered my eyes. I was about to scream till something was shoved in my mouth and I passed out.

A few hours (I think) later I woke up. I was in my bed like nothing happened. I looked at my clock and it said 8 am. I rushed up and went to my dad. He started to say "Zo I'm -". I cut him off by saying "Your going to say 'Zo I'm going to the doctors and then I'm busy all day. You can go around the pond one time but you have to be back up soon.'." My dad was freaked out that I knew what he was going to say before he said it. A hour after he left I went fort walk. I did everything exactly as before but when something/someone was about to get me I ran. I didn't see that thing since earlier this mornings. I think today might have deleted it's self 2 times. Idk.

Guys after everything exiting happened I tried to find my key. It was know where to be seen. I am supposed to go out to night into the woods but in need that key. Oh well.

Any who a few minutes ago (like 30 minutes) I wrote a song.

I don't have a name for the song~

I wish you could see
The pain in me
The blockage in my way
To the perfect day

But you can't

Each day I break
Each day I shake
I grab a blade and press it to my skin
As I slowly being
Each line starts out thin

I wish you could see
The pain in me
The blockage in my way
To the perfect day.

But you can't.

Maybe if you could see
What's really in me
Then I probably wouldn't break
I probably wouldn't shake
I probably wouldn't slowly begin
I probably would never do it again

If you guys have any ideas for the song that would be great. You know what let's make this fun. Who ever comes up with the best me for the song gets to name it. Whoever can come up with the next part of the song will get to add onto it if the part is the best. Well later guys. If you want to talk then PM me.

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