25~Let's Hunt Begin..

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Yana's POV

"I don't think Adhi ever loved you, it was the worst heartbreak anyone would ever get."

I heard those words and something went running through my mind, was she talking about Adhisha Singhaniya?

I stood there rooted in my place, I was eager to know what she was talking about and to know why I suffered just because of that name.

There are just too many grudges I hold against that name and I don't think they will be solved until I get the answers to my all questions from the owner of that name.

Ardhansh would never answer my unasked question even after knowing every unspoken word of mine.

Why he is like this? If he had told me everything at first we would have never stood at the place where we are standing now, maybe circumstances would have been different.

"Does it matter if she did or not I am moved on."

I heard Bhai's voice and it somehow clicked to me what would be the matter, but Is it truly right what I am thinking?


My reverie broke upon hearing my son's voice and I glanced at him to see him worriedly staring at me.

I realized I was again shedding tears and took a long breath trying to pull them back, I had just gotten habitual to them.

He wiped my tears and a broken smile appeared on my lips, seeing his care, but still, the satisfaction I wanted wasn't there.

Once Yashika Di would be back in his life everything would come to an end, I don't want to let him go not at any cost.

I held the tea tray tightly in my palm and walked out only to silence the tense atmosphere.

I noticed how everyone's face tensed except his sister who was ready to say something but Bhai interrupted her while talking with me, "We need to leave Anny... it's getting late."

I didn't understand what was there to hide from me, why these all people behaving so oddly.

Is it I am the only one who is unknown to all the conspiracies going around me, I am a thousand per cent sure nothing is normal here.

No one seems trustworthy. Not my blood-related people too.

Why I am getting such thoughts?

How could I trust them after getting betrayed by the people whom I trusted once?

First, my own brother didn't hesitate to marry me off to the man who destroyed me, and then he acted like everything was normal, and he cared for me when he was the one who begged me to tie the knot with a man who was the sole reason behind my pain.

I felt insecurity crawling into my heart and my eyes getting blurry with tears, Is there anyone who is mine? Who I could trust fully?

I need to clear this mess or I will get mad in between these two facades people, I don't want to be a plaything for anyone. Whom they would use once needed and throw after finishing their work.

"Anny!!!" my thoughts broke hearing Maa's voice and I shook my head drinking my tears.

"Sorry!!" I muttered and served the tea to everyone...they again came to normal conversation and after a few gossips his friends headed back to their respective homes with their sleeping kids.

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