𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲 - 𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐥 (𝟒/𝟒)

785 27 12

a/n: part 4; contains smut

Two weeks later, Tony announces that he's throwing a party on Saturday. He loves parties, and he usually throws them multiple times a year — in the spring, at the start of summer, nearing New Year's Eve. They're always a huge thing as he tends to go all out with absolutely everything, and there's always about 200 guests who fill up — and trash — the entire compound.

"Are you going?", you ask Wanda as you're sitting in the common room. She has her legs in your lap.

"Yeah, sure. You?"

"Probably." You shrug. "I'll get drunk and have some fun. Who cares."

"That's the spirit." She yawns.

Natasha enters the room, her hair wet; she just showered. "Talking about the party?", she asks.

"Yup. Excited?"

"To see Tony humiliate himself in front of a crowd of people? Always." She grins and sits down next to you, kissing your cheek. You freeze, and so does she as she realizes what she just did. Wanda's eyes widen and her mouth drops open. "Uh-"

"No", she says, pulling her legs from your lap. "No way."


"You didn't tell me?" She slaps your arm.

"Ouch! No, we didn't tell anyone", you say, rubbing your arm.

Wanda shakes her head. "Mind telling me when it happened?"

You look at Natasha, who just raises her eyebrows at you. You turn around to face Wanda again. "Mid November", you mumble, your words barely audible.

"What?" Wanda gasps. "Like...half a year? Really?"

"Really", you say quietly. "You know, Norway..."

"Yeah, I figured." She looks at Natasha, then at you. "I never would've thought. I mean, you're ten years apart-"

"Nine and a half", you correct her, sounding irritated.

"Whatever." Wanda smiles. "You do look cute together, I have to say that."

You grin. "Yeah, we do."

Natasha gives Wanda a serious look. "You can't tell anyone, okay? Nobody."

"I won't, don't worry." She tilts her head. "Is it, like, serious? Or are you just having fun?"

Natasha looks at you, smiling softly. "No, it's pretty serious."

You smile back, taking her hand into yours.

. . .

Wanda is pretty thrilled about you and Natasha. Actually, she's so thrilled that she just won't shut up about it; well, at least when she's alone with you. Thankfully, she knows how to keep secrets and is very cautious about what she says and does. You appreciate that a lot.

But, unfortunately, she still keeps bugging you about it whenever you're alone. She asks questions about damn near everything: your first kiss, your first date, whether Natasha's a good kisser, even your sex life. When the latter one comes up, you immediately shut her down. It's the one thing you want to keep as private as possible.

"Okay, fine", Wanda says. "God, it's been so long since we've had a couple here at the compound, aside from Pepper and Tony I mean."

"Have we ever had one?", you ask, genuinely curious. You can't remember whether you did.

"No, I actually don't remember. You might be the first." She nods in approval. "You pulled Natasha. Congratulations."

"That's a weird way of putting it", you protest. "Nobody 'pulled' anyone."

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