Another Day

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Indescribable, the woman is indescribable. Slowly I feel safe to talk about that night and it's event. My body pulling me out of the experience and I shut down.

I enter my home and watch Taraji through the glass in the door frame, waiting until I'm in safe. Only hearing her car pull off before I can turn around. Yawning as I close the door and try to calculate how I'll make it to the stairs.

Enjoying the comfort of my bed is only short lived before I wake up. Stretching my arms and legs, time to get ready for the day ahead.

Another day on set, I look over at Taraji and exchange a smile, she blows me a kiss with a subtle wink.

Without being touched I feel a familiar sensation going up my spine and I feel the heat rushing to my face, a blush is the only thing evident of my feelings.

Taraji slowly approaches my chair and places her hand on my shoulder. Moving down to my ear, I feel her breath down my neck. Would you like to hang out later on?  She asks me placing a kiss on my cheek.

I take a hold of her free arm, fix myself and my gaze to face her. Absolutely girl, it's been a while. I find the room still and empty as she turns her attention to the set and lingers behind my seat.

I wonder if she can feel the gaze I am holding as I look up and notice her features are appearing different in my view, enamored. The only word to describe what I see.

I change positions and focus my eyes on the set ahead, fixing my eyes on everything moving.

Soon after, there is a complete day of filming. We are close to the end of this journey.

I linger around the set for a bit, waiting. I meet Danielle who is on her way out to the parking lot.

Hey sis! I say hurrying over to her. She waits for me and we open our arms for an embrace.

How are you doing Tasia?

I'm doing fine.

Now, Fantasia, I'll ask again. How are you doing? The question she raised the second time sent my emotions into a different universe. How are you doing? I ponder on the question and slowly recognize I am not as well as I want to be.

Tears respond before words are formed. I look at Danielle and find that my emotions have overcome me. Instinctually, I crave Taraji for comfort but its only Danielle here. Blurry eyes from the tears I can't control. I feel arms around my shoulders from behind.

We sway slowly, calmly, as they fall staining their clothes with my tears. I recognize their touch. Another set of arms approach me with an open embrace. I feel an embrace all around me. This is what vulnerability feels like. It does not linger for long, I don't want to let it go.

I turn around to find Taraji being the familiar touch and I beckon their embrace again as the emotions only incite tears. We remain standing there alone.

We part for a moment only to shift to holding hand as we walk out the studio exit. The parking lot looks familiar.


We head over to the car hand in hand. We walk to the passenger door and I open it. I rub her hand as she gets in the car. I quickly make my way over to the driver's side and get in.

Taraji, how come your hugs so warm? I hear in a meek voice. My lips shift to one side and I smile at the question. When you have a lot of love to give, it only makes sense.

Starting the car, I ask Fantasia if she is okay with having our hangout at my place for the night. She offers a nod and our drive begins.

I roll down the windows to let in the cool breeze of the night. So, I heard your conversation with Danielle. Do you want to talk about it? I glance over and I'm met with brown eyes being illuminated by the street lights.

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