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We hit the icy road

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We hit the icy road. The only thing we've taken with us from the factory is its warmth. My pockets are empty, but at least my belly isn't gnawing at the rest of me.

The city is covered in white. I'm sure there are humans shivering beneath my feet in the dark tunnels, unable to escape this hellish freeze.

The dragon isn't as interested in the snow. His eyes are on the sky, searching for his brothers who he's at war with because of me. He wears a scowl on his face, and that's about it. He's not wearing a sock on his dick like I requested.

My feet shuffle, and I nearly slip if not for the arm that wraps around me. I eye the distance, too shocked to even recoil from his touch. I can see the Brooklyn Bridge. At least what remains of it. The great structure is split in half, the metal askew as if torn off its hinges.

Another part of my beautiful city has been demolished by dragons.

I bite back a whimper.

The dragon releases me, and I stumble. He eyes my feet and comments, "weak legs."

I promise myself that if I ever get the chance to kill this man... no, this thing, then I will do it with a smile the size of the Brooklyn Bridge.

His gaze moves to the bridge. "We must go underground to keep moving. Another storm is underway. I can smell it."

"Underground?" I tense. "What if... what if we come across other humans?"

"We keep walking."

As if it's that simple. He nearly killed the three human men he crossed.

"Walking where? Where do you think you're taking me?"

His lip twitches. He's irritated, and about to spit fire. I'll need to stop pressing him soon.

"To an acquaintance that will better understand your effect on me. He is on the south of this island."

The south of Manhattan? That sounds good to me. FEMA is down there, too.

I shake my head and examine his chest, not daring to look further south.

"You need clothing. Humans will look twice if you walk past them, butt naked in this cold."

"Like you do?"

I look at him, and feel warmth come to my frozen face.

"Stop accusing me of ogling you! I don't do that!"

He scoffs. "You will tell me where to find human clothes."

"Do you ever say please?"

"Why? There is no need. You will do as I say, anyway. I am who is in control here, human."

I laugh, and he stands tall and unamused. He doesn't get it yet. I'm soft and quiet like snow, but can become crazy and erratic like fire for my sister. I have nothing else to live for.

My feet step loudly. One. Two. Punching holes into the snow like I want to do with his face. I push up on my toes, distressing my boots further, and smack my lips on his. I fall back down to my height and take in his expression.

Shock has exploded on his face. His eyes have widened, showing me just how long his eyelashes are. His lips have parted, too.

I had the same expression when I saw the first dragon flying in the sky all those years ago.

I spit on the ground, missing his foot by inches. I feel my brown irises come alive.

"I'm not too strong, not too smart, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. You haven't killed me yet for a reason. You need me, but I don't need you. I will bring you a world of hurt— one way or another, if you keep me from Daisy."

As I walk away, I grumble silent curses through my teeth, the only proof of them being the puffs of white air in front of my face.

I cross the street and throw an angry kick at the door of a boutique. Clothing is one of the few things that no one cared to loot. Food was more important.

The door gives in on the second kick, already too weathered after years. I enter, and find the store mostly intact. I walk down the men's aisle. There aren't any coats in here, but there is a large black leather jacket that seems to be about his size.

He needs to blend in, because I don't want to attract the attention of humans and risk their life.

I walk out holding a graphic T-shirt with faded text in the front, the jacket, a large pair of jeans, sandals and socks.

He's standing where I left him, staring at the skies.

I throw the clothes on the snow.

"Let's go."

– • –

It doesn't take us long to come in contact with humans. A whole colony, to be exact.

I have never been a part of this one. It must have been newly formed.

The dragon walks beside me, scoffing and rubbing the back of his hand across his nose. He doesn't like the smells down here.

Tough luck. We don't like them either.

When I pick up the sound of voices, I freeze and look at him. He's dressed appropriately, but there's still a foreign air about him. What really concerns me, though, is his meaty biceps and wide shoulders. Human men aren't built like him anymore. They're frail and pale.

The first people we pass eye us, but keep going their way.

"What is that smell?" he snarls and exhales angrily.

It's probably our makeshift sewers. Since we have no toilets anymore, buckets have to do.

"Survival," I answer.

We cross a small trading center. There are three tables set up, each on the left side of the tunnel. They trade nicknacks like knives and matches— things I can't afford.

Voices pick up. I'm surprised by what I find in this Colony. People eat in circles with each other, not hunching over their plates and devouring the contents as if fearing they would be robbed. They're eating jerky. I stare. The meat look like a bar of gold to my starved eyes.

"You two."

A middle-aged, plump man comes up to us. I stare at his belly longer than I should. Long enough to be rude. At least in the Old World. Nowadays, a plump man is considered attractive because it means he has the means to eat well. He's a provider.

He wears a gold chain, a balding head, and a Canada Goose black coat. He looks warm, content, and authoritative.

The dragon shifts his weight to one leg, and I swallow, hard.

"I haven't seen you around here."

"We're just passing through," I explain. "You can have a man escort us through if you'd like."

He laughs, and my eyes lock on the way his chubby cheeks jiggle.

"You shouldn't go anywhere, child. A storm is approaching, and my men are repairing flood damage. Why don't you stay put for a day and have some tea? It's all on me. My name is Azul, by the way. I'm the elected Mayor here."

I dip my chin. "Nice to meet you, Azul. I'm Lucky, and this is my friend."

I gesture to the dragon, but I don't name him. He'll remain unnamed like an unwanted pet.

"Lucky, huh? Maybe you'll bring some more luck our way."

Sadly, the only thing I brought to this nice man's colony is a machine of destruction.

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