Chapter 25. Meet the Galveses.

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Im sitting on my bed and looking around my room. Everything is in its exact place when I left a few months ago. I hugged my pink heart shaped pillow and walk towards my study table. The pictures I pinned on the wall remained untouched. There are pictures of me and my bestfriend, my parents and my cousins. I unpinned the picture of me hugging Devon, my favorite cousin. He's my age and we basically grew up together. Back in high school and when I was in college, he would always pretend to be my boyfriend to fend off "unworthy" guys as what he used to say. I know that it was part of his mission from my Father, although until now he refuses to admit it.

When we were little kids, he would always come to visit during summer vacation. He and my Pa are very close. He's like the son that my father never had. Devon's role model is my father. He looks up to him with the highest regard.

Right after high school, he admitted himself to the Military Academy with the backing of none other than the General Galves himself. Still, even if he's busy in the academy, he would always visit me in our house in the city when he's out on RandR. He would check up on me and make sure that I keep to the standards of my father, or so that's what I felt. Last time I checked, he is already a junior officer of the Palawi Marine Corp.

A knock on the door interrupted my nostalgia.

"Come in." I said as I pinned back the picture to my cork board.

"Darling Ara.."

It's my mother. She came inside and gestured me to sit right next to her on the corner of the bed. Her usual sweet smile is painted on her face.


I hugged her tight. I actually miss my mother's warm embrace. She's wearing her usual white floral dress and that sunflowery perfume.

I rested my head on her shoulder while hugging her.

"Ma, I miss you."

"I miss you my baby girl."

"Ma, as you can see Im not a baby girl anymore."

"You will always be my baby girl."

"How's Pa? How did he take the news?"

"You know your Pa, he doesnt show his emotions."

"I know, but did he get mad?"

"Darling Ara, your pa is a reasonable man. He is your father. Everything that he did was for your own good."

"I know ma."

"Nikolai looks fine." Said my mother with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

Wow, Nikolai really worked his charm to my mother. Ma sounds calmer now. When we arrived home, the two instantly won over my mother's heart. They perfectly executed each and every pointers I gave them. I could never be more proud.

I removed myself from her and shoot a smile.

"I know right?" I said in response.

"I know that you have impeccable taste in men."

"Of course ma, I got that from you."

"Haha, of course baby girl. You should have seen your father when he was still pursuing me. He was a....HOT ASS..." Said my mother all too innocently.

"Ewww ma! You should stop hanging out with the help's children."

My ma lets out a soft laugh in response. She looks at me and runs her fingers through my hair. My ma looks like she ages really well. Her wrinkles are very minimal, in fact, if you dont look at her really closely you would not see a prominent line. Her medium skin is still very smooth and glowing. Her brunette hair is tied in a loose bun right on top of her nape and her favorite pearl earings complement her simple yet classy overall look.

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