Boyfriend | Gundham Tanaka

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Summary: You and your boyfriend, Fuyuhiko, got into an extremely heated argument causing the two of you to break up. This gives Gundham an advantage in making you his one and only.

Warnings: Smut, mentions of suicide

Word Count: 1,008

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You were at a party for one of your classmates, Gundham Tanaka. Anyways, you and Fuyuhiko got into an argument over a minor issue, while dating him you know that he doesn't mean any of the things he says, they may be hurtful but you put up with them for a while that you've come accustomed to it. During the argument you couldn't help but feel as if your feelings were being neglected by him, you couldn't help but let out some harsh words yourself, you didn't mean any of them though, they just happened to come out harshly.

"The fuck did you just say?!" Fuyuhiko shouted, his glare burning into your eyes, "I didn't mean it Fuyu, I'm just stressed, I'm sorry." you apologized. He didn't say anything, at first, you thought he was going to forgive you, but you couldn't be any more wrong. "You know...maybe you should've killed yourself instead of Mikan," he stated, his face blank, no expression was shown. "What?" you spoke, too shocked to do anything, "You heard me. You should've killed yourself instead of Mikan," he repeated. "Oh." you softly spoke, you turned around and walked out where the two of you have been arguing for the past hour, the bathroom.

You walked down the stairs fixing your dress and heading to the kitchen, "Rough night?" Gundham asked, "Yeah, got anything to drink?" you asked, Gundham nodded and grabbed some drinks for the two of you. He made you feel nice, safe, and just overall happy to be in the same vicinity as him. The two of you have been in the kitchen for hours, "I can't believe we're finally alone, I can't believe I almost went home. What are the chances? Everyone's dancing, and he's not with you." Gundham thought, looking at your smiling face, "The universe must have divined this..." Gundham spoke out loud, under his breath, "What was that?" you asked.

Gundham walked over to you, "What am I gonna do, not grab your wrist?" he spoke, caging your body between his own and the counter behind you. "I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did." he expressed, voice dark and full of possessiveness. "Up all night, I won't quit, thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman, plus all my clothes would fit." Gundham suggested, backing up a bit. You looked him in the eyes and thought for a moment, you like him enough to want to be with him but do you want to be with him? Gundham saw how you were questioning yourself, so he decided to help you with your answer.

"I don't need to tell you twice, all the ways he can't suffice. If I could give you some advice, I would leave with me tonight." he suggested, gently taking your hand and leading you to his bedroom upstairs.

The universe must have divined this,

"Ladies first, baby, I insist..." Gundham spoke, opening the door for you before shutting it and kissing you, passionately. You've never felt that before, Fuyuhiko has always been rough with you but with Gundham, it was gentle and passionate.

I could be a better boyfriend than him! I could do the shit that he never did!

The two ended up on the bed, you laid under Gundham as he straddled you,

Up all night, I won't quit! Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him!

Gundham kissed down your neck, leaving a lovely trail of hickies and love bites. I could be such a gentleman, he stopped at the bottom of your dress, looking up for confirmation to continue, you nodded your head and that was all Gundham needed before pushing the dress up and doing all the things he wanted to do to you for years.

Plus all my clothes would fit.

"I never would have left you alone," Gundham spoke, slowly thrusting into you, your hands intertwined with his as you looked at him, he looked so pretty here, the moonlight shining into his room and casting onto his face, lighting his eyes up perfectly. "Here on your own, glued to your phone.." he continued, kissing your puffy lips, causing you to softly smile. "Never would have left you alone, for someone else to take you home." Gundham smiled, sitting up and thrusting a little more quickly into you, causing you to moan.

I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, up all night, I won't quit.

"I'm gonna steal you from him." Gundham moaned out as you nodded your head, babbling on about how much you would like that.

I could be such a gentleman,

"Plus you know my clothes would fit," He lowly whispered into your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, the two of you came together, both moaning loudly. The sounds of the music finally coming back to you guys. You stayed there for a while, Gundham on top of you, head laying in the crook of your neck as you lightly scratched his back and his scalp.

Up all night, I won't quit.

You went downstairs, hand in hand with Gundham, after some sweet aftercare he told you about his feelings towards you and wondered if you felt the same. You've always liked Gundham but from your perspective, you thought he was dating Sonia, so you pushed those feelings down and began dating Fuyuhiko. But those feelings came back when you found out that not only were the two not together, but Sonia was also a lesbian, and she was dating Akane.

Fuyuhiko saw you holding hands with Gundham, and he got angry quickly,

Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him,

Gundham smiled at your ex-boyfriend, I could be such a gentleman, Gundham looked down at you, and you were wearing his shirt,

Plus all my clothes would fit.

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