In The Deepest Darkness There Will Be Light

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"I've been having these weird thoughts lately"

"Like, is any of this for real? Or not?"

He had many dreams in his lifetime, but none of them quite like this one. The spiky haired boy with ocean blue eyes was blinded by the sun. When his eyes adjusted to the bright rays, he saw familiar silver locks blowing from the faint breeze. He tries to progress forward but the ocean blocks his path.

A large wave picks up but his friend is not fazed in the slightest. He turns and offers his hand to the brown-haired boy. Worried for his friend in the ocean, he runs into the treacherous waters. The wave sends him spiraling out of control, but as he regains his bearings, it is not the boy that he sees. Instead, he sees a girl.

Tanned skin, dark brown hair, and emerald green eyes. She illuminated a path for him in the unknown, but the current slowly dragged them apart. He fought his hardest to surpass the current, but all for naught. He was pulled to the surface as she floated lifelessly into his friend's arms.

As he resurfaced, he was able to make out a familiar voice calling his name. A girl with short red hair greeted him with excitement, guiding him back to land. He struggles to walk back to shore, shoes filled with water. When he finally makes it, he pants for air as the girl laughs in amusement.

The laughter comes to an abrupt halt, confusing the young boy. As he looked up, he saw that his friend was distracted by something in the sky. Stars, the speckled lights fell from the sky, but one looked odd. Upon further inspection, the boy deduced that he was the one falling. With a blink, his position shifts.

He falls from the sky, the red-headed girl desperately trying to reach him. Without an ounce of will to fight any longer, the boy succumbed to his fate. He dives into the unknown, his lungs filled with water. He proceeded into the deepest depths of the ocean. All he saw was darkness as he plummeted into the endless pit.

Ever since he was a child, he aspired to be someone that people could look up to. His friend barely feared anything, and so he always tried to reflect that with his selfless nature. Despite the proud smile he held, he could never perfect the image. He was still afraid of many things, one of these things being the dark.

He was not foreign to the idea of having a monster under his bed, or running from the monsters that appear after turning off the light. But in both instances there is something or someone to protect him. The love of his friends and family, and the light. But he couldn't find that now.

'The light... Where is the light?' he asked himself.

He thought of his friends, various memories coming to mind. With the little strength in his body, he manages to lift the corners of his lips into a small smile. It dropped quickly when he saw a speck of light in the corner of his eye. As it got larger, he was able to make out the silhouette of a person. His senses slowly returned one by one. His sight, his touch, his hearing.

He heard someone calling his name. The familiar warmth of the light comforted him. He felt safe hearing a familiar voice in the otherwise silent void. Someone was there to save him... But who?

He felt his cheek sting as he recovered his consciousness. He curls his fingers into the palm of his hand, his fingertips grazing across the smooth surface beneath him. Deeming that he has general control over his body again, he opens his eyes.

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