"Classic Armadylan"

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It was nighttime, and Armadylan was at the park doing pushups since it's been a while since he's been out being a hero and doing hero things.

Armadylan:Alright, that's enough push-ups for now, let's assess the progress.Armadylan muttered to himself, getting up and admiring his muscles.

Armadylan:Righty and lefty, looking as muscular as ever, obviously.Armadylan remarked, flexing his biceps with a satisfied grin.

Armadylan:Now that I'm back in the hero business, I should find some crime to tackle and clean up the streets, especially with my new power.Armadylan declared, he curled up into a ball and started rolling away.

*With Owlette and Lilyfay*

Owlette and Lilyfay were on a mission to catch Luna Girl and Motsuki, who had stolen candy from a local store.

Owlette:Give back all that candy, Luna and Motsuki!

Luna Girl:Sorry feathers, but we'll be needing this!Luna Girl responded, having all the stolen candy inside a Moon Bubble, using her Luna Magnet.

Motsuki:Yeah, me and Luna are having a sisters' movie night and need lots of snacks, Eek!Motsuki added, playfully, blowing a raspberry.

Owlette and Lilyfay were relentlessly chasing Luna Girl and Motsuki around the whole city, in a high-speed chase, Luna Girl and Mosuki exchanged nods to each other.

Motsuki glanced back at Owlette and Lilyfay and blasted a Lunar Beam towards them, sending Owlette and Lilyfay flying.

Luna Girl:Let's go, Motsuki.Luna Girl signaled Motsuki, who was excited.

Motsuki:To moon!Motsuki exclaimed, excitedly, she grabbed Luna Girl's hand, ready to teleport them away.

Armadylan:Oh no you don't, ARMADYLAN POWER ARMOR!!!Armadylan came, unraveled himself, leaped into the air, using his armored back to deliver a powerful blow to Luna Girl and Motsuki, sending them flying.

Owlette and Lilyfay, recovering from the blast, saw Luna Girl and Motsuki hurtling toward them, but It was too late to evade them, they all crashed into a dumpster.


Motsuki:Bleh, candy now ruined, meaning sisters' movie night is ruined too!Motsuki exclaimed, her and Luna Girl flew out the dumpster, now covered in candy and garbage.

Luna Girl:Yeah, and now we'll need baths, thanks a lot, Arma-do-wrong.Luna Girl chimed in, her and Motsuki fly away.

Lilyfay:So not cosmic!Lilyfay eclaimed, disgusted, her and Owlette emerged out of the dumpster, both wiping the garbage off them.

Armadylan:Sorry, guys I should've looked before sending those moon girls flying.Armadylan apologized, embarrassed.

Owlette:It's okay, classic Armadylan.Owlette reassured, winking at him, giggling a tiny bit.

Armadylan:Classic Armadylan?Armadylan uttered quietly, confused.

Owlette:Anyways, since our mission is finished, we should head to Power Q, want to come?

Armadylan:Thanks, but no thanks, I'm going to patrol a bit more to see if any evil is around.Armadylan declined.

Owlette:Okay then, cya, Armadylan.Owlete waving goodbye, alongside Lilyfay waving goodbye as well, they both started to fly away.

Armadylan:What was that all about "classic Armadylan"?Armadylan pondered, but decided to just shrug it off, he curled back into a ball and rolled away.

*With Catboy and An Yu*

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