Armadylan vs Gloop the Third

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As a barrage of Gloops headed toward Armadylan, he skillfully dodging each one.

Armadylan:Phew, that was a close one.Armadylan said, relief, wiping his forehead.

Owlette:Armadylan, you shouldn't have rushed in like that, you could've gotten Glooped!Owlette scolded, as her and Gekko emerged from the bush.

Gloop the Third:Gloopets, Gloop the green and red Power Heroes, i'll take care of this armored one.Gloop the Third ordered, pulling out his Gloop Launcher, walking towards Armadylan.

The Gloopets turned their attention to Owlette and Gekko, bombarding them with Gloop as they tried their best to evade the Gloops as possible

Gloop the Third:So, it looks like it's just me and you, Armadylan.Gloop the Third approached, with a villainous grin.

Armadylan:Gloop the Third, was it, come on, we don't need to fight, can't you reconsider invading our planet and Glooping it, Let's make peace.Armadylan attempted  to reason with him.

Gloop the Third:Ha, no, it is my legacy to take over a planet and Gloop it, and I've chosen Earth for that purpose, I will do it and eliminate anyone who gets in my way.Gloop the Third declared, walking even closer to Armadylan, a wicked smile on his face, as he aimed his Gloop Launcher menacingly.

Gloop the Third started shooting Gloops at Armadylan, but He swiftly curled into a ball, rolling around Gloop the Third with remarkable speed, dodging all the Gloops.

Gloop the Third:Hey, I command you to stop that right now!Gloop the Third demanded, but Armadylan continued rolling.

Gloop the Third:Fine, you asked for it!Gloop the Third declared, intensifying his Gloop barrage. 

But Armadylan's rolling speed was too much to handle for Gloop the Third, missing every single shot.

Armadylan:How about this, THUNDER THUMP!!!Armadylan exlaimed, propelling himself into the air before landing with a hard impact, causing the ground to shake.

The ground shaking not only affected Gloop the Third but also everyone, including the Gloopster, which toppled over.

Gloop the Third:THE GLOOPSTER!!!Gloop the Third exclaimed.

Armadylan:Sorry, but you gave me no choice.Armadylan stated, looking at Gloop the Third, who met his gaze with a growl.

Gloop the Third:GLOOPETS, GLOOP HIM NOW!!!Gloop the Third urgently demanded, directing the Gloopets to focus their Gloop Launchers on Armadylan.

The Gloopets used their Gloop Launchers to unleash a barrage of individual Gloops toward Armadylan.

Armadylan:ARMADYLAN POWER ARMOR!!!as he used his armored back to deflect the Gloops.

Two of the Gloops found their mark on two of the Gloopets, one Gloopet managed to evade the gloop, it hits Gekko, trapping him into a giant Gloop ball.


Armadylan:Whoops, sorry!Armadylan apologized.

Gloop the Third:GLOOPETS, RETREAT, I REPEAT, RETREAT!!!Gloop the Third commanded, he and the Gloopets turned and started to flee.

Owlette:On the bright side, at least we took care of Gloop the Third and stopped whatever plans he had.Owlette said, awkwardly.

Gekko:Yeah, but we could've almost gotten Glooped, I mean, one of us did.Gekko, gesturing to himself.

Armadylan:Sorry about that, little buddy, I guess I got too carried away, and I just kinda panicked.Armadylan rubbed his head.

Gekko:Don't worry, I'm not mad, it's just classic Armadylan.Gekko chuckled, along with Owlette, which hurts Armadylan's feelings.

Owlette:Anyway, let's bring Gekko to Power Q to see if Newton or Lilyfay can help him out.Owlette suggested, patting Gekko on the head, almost causing him to tip over.

Armadylan:*sighs*You guys go, I'm just gonna hang out in the city for a while.Armadylan spoke, with sadness in his tone.

Owlette:Are you okay, Armadylan?

Armadylan:Yep, I'm all fine, just classic Armadylan.Armadylan assured, fake smiling, but Owlette could sense that something was wrong.

Owlette:Okay then, cya..Owlette said, knowing there is something wrong.

Gekko:Cya Armadylan!Gekko waved goodbye, as Owlette began rolling him in the direction of the Owl-Glider.

As Armadylan waved goodbye to his friends with a fake smile, that faded as soon as they were out of sight, instantly dropped and had a really depressed look on his face.

Armadylan:I will always just be good old classic goofing things up Armadylan...Armadylan muttered, a small tear forming in one of his eyes, swiftly wiping it away, he continued to walk away.

When Armadylan was walking away,  Gloop the Third and his Gloopets were hiding behind a nearby tree, overhearing him, Gloop the Third's eyes gleamed with evil.

Gloop the Third:So, the powerfully strong Armadylan feels incompetent compared to the rest of his Power Hero friends.Gloop the Third chuckled to himself, hatching a devious plan.

Gloop the Third:Hey, Gloopets, that gives me an idea.Gloop the Third addressed, silently evil laughed, and the Gloopets joined in the evil laughing.

Gloop the Third:Enough evil laughing, now, let's go.Gloop the Third commanded, as he walked away, the Gloopets trailing behind him.

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