The Realest

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(I'm finally feeling the energy to write this again, sorry again for the wait, y'all.. thanks for waiting)

Y/N sat in a swivel chair beside Seth who was currently trying to mix the just recorded song.

"The backing vocals shouldn't be as loud as the main one" Y/N pointed at the laptop screen. "Tone them down just a little"

"This better?" Seth asked.


"Man, it's still kinda ironic that we're both working on a song with Eminem that literally had him roasting our entire generation" Seth pointed out with a laugh.

"I mean, it's not like they don't deserve it" Y/N shrugged. "Gen Z is kinda fucked up"

"True" Seth nodded.

The pair had been in the studio since 9pm and it was currently 3 in the morning. Since they lived together in college, they'd both agreed that both making music and listening to music seemed to sound better late at night. Hence,their late night studio sessions.. After all,that was the same way they'd recorded the whole Sick Boy album.

After another hour or two of mixing and finishing up the song, the pair were starting to feel the effects of being up late almost eight hours straight.. reason being that Seth had to come up with two versions of the file, the one with effects and one with Y/N's raw vocals in case Eminem and Dr Dre preferred to add in their own effects on either one. Luckily they'd managed to get the song finished before passing out.

Whoever thought music was easy needed to check again.

It was at least 5am before Seth had sent the files to Eminem the duo was completely done with the song. Completely passed out, they both decided to sleep in the studio as there was less than no way either of them could drive back home.

It was at least two hours later before they finally mustered the strength to even leave the studio.


"About time" Ava came out of her bedroom in a pair of baggy black shorts and a white t-shirt,her laptop in her right hand. The two boys had just walked into the house. "So how'd it go?"

"It was fun but the work that goes into it is underrated" Y/N said as he and Seth flopped down onto the couch. "Especially features"

"Alright, shower now" the brunette put the laptop down and clapped her hands. "Both of you"

"But Avaaaa..." Y/N whined as his little brother attitude kicked in once again.

"Ava nothing" the girl folded her arms.

Her brother let out a groan before forcing himself up off the couch.

"You're not the boss of me" Seth looked back at her from where he sat.

"One.." Ava stepped closer. "Two"

Seth immediately scrambled off the couch and towards his room, leaving Ava to shake her head at the two.

This is what she had to deal with now,two headaches.

After getting out of the shower,the rapper got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get a can of red bull.. he couldn't help but feel like he was forgetting something. He just couldn't remember what. After getting the energy drink out of the fridge, he opened his Instagram and was met with a post from eminem.

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