Age is only A number?

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She was a little girl, he was a adult in his 20s 

She did not know any better

He threatened to hurt her if she told anyone

Her older sister found out 

She immediately cried 

She was heartbroken to see her little 9 year old sister like that 

She called the police on her own uncle out of disgust

The little girl was living with her uncle 

She didn't know where she was going to go 

She went into the foster system 

Her older sister could be set free from the foster system

But she couldn't take care of her little sister 

She got adopted into a good family 

The family really liked her 

They weren't allowed to have kids of their own so they decided to adopt 

when she was around the age of 12 she starts getting feelings

Hurtful feeling

 she's never once thought before 

 she looked at herself in the mirror and she instantly thought "why am i so ugly, who would ever want to date someone like me”. 

Her family did not believe in  therapist

 she had never gotten the right treatment. 

When she was 13 she started to cut herself 

She started losing control 

She ended up in bad fights 

Causing injuries 

She had anger issues 

But her foster family didn't believe in pills 

She wasn't allowed to take pills for her depression or her anger issues 

When she reached the age of 15

She started selling drugs, vapes, and cigarettes

She started not caring about her grades 

She ended up dropping out of school 

She was hanging around the wrong people 

She started vaping drinking and using drugs

She would influence others to do bad things

Her foster family tried to help her but nothing was working 

Even though they don't like pills they tried to put her on pills 

Nothing worked

They tried their best to help her 

They forgot about themselves 

They started running out of money 

They started working more 

The girl got more freedom 

She started getting worse  

The dad was getting distracted by her and he ended up getting fired 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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