Chapter 8 - Jess

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"This feels unpleasantly familiar."

"So, we're walking fast and with a lot of determination, which is great. But what exactly is the plan here?" Rigas asks walking behind Jonas as you sneak into the rid.

"They're armed, and we're not." He tells her.

"Alright. So, what are you thinking?" Meying asks when you get into to the hall.

"What are you thinking?" Jiuming says and lifts the bags with the explosives.

"You and I, find Mac and Dj. Rigas and Y/N, grab what you can. Secure a Zodiac, so we can get off this thing." Jonas says.

"Let's rock and roll."

"Meying, you go with them." He tells her.

You then hear radio beeping from outside and duck down below the window so the guy doesn't see you.

"Let's go." Jonas says.

(Scene with montes reaching surface. And Mac and Dj.)

Dj and Mac is brought down the hall cuffed, when Jiuming appears exclaiming in Chinese. Then Jonas attacks from behind.

"I thought you were dead." Mac laughs in relief.

"Wishful thinking, Mac."

"If it ain't the deviating septum." Dj says.

"Boats leaving."

(Scene with Montes and Jess.)

You're preparing a boat with Rigas and Meying when she stands up beside you. You look at her confused, but seeing her expression you turn to follow her line of sight. You stand up looking with the same expression.

"Rigas." You say. "Give me the radio."

She comes over with it to you, looking out at the megs too.

"Jonas? We have a big problem." You say into the radio.

(Scene with Hilary, Jess and Montes.)

"What now?" Jiuming asks when they get there.

"It's our only way out, we have to take it." Joans says.

"But that thing doesn't have the range to take us to the mainland." Mac says.

"You're worried about the destination? What about the first hundred yards." Dj says looking out at the megs.

"We paddle out slow. No engines. Minimal motions. We won't look like food. When we're clear, we make a round for it." Jiuming says.

"Let's do it." Jonas says.

Dj sits down taking an oar with you.

"I guess, congratulations are in order." Dj says and you look at him with wide eyes, but smile.

"Maybe later, Dj." You chuckle.

"Might not be a later." He mumbles and you tilt your head looking at him.

"Yeah there will." You tell him and he looks at you again. "We're gonna meet my baby." You tell him confidently and you catch a few smiles around the boat as you all start paddling.


"I still think we look like food." Dj says.

"Shh." You hiss.

"I'm starting to see that moody part of the pregnancy." Dj tells you with a chuckle.

"Quiet everyone." Mac says.

"Paddle slowly." Jiuming says in whisper.

"This feels unpleasantly familiar." Dj then states.

"Let's just hope it goes better than last time."

"What happened last time?" Jiuming asks.

"You don't wanna know." Jonas answers.

"Oh, here he comes." Jiuming says as a meg swims in a circle around you.

Then a boat engine is heard in the distance and you all turn to see the other boat approaching from the rig. But it stops suddenly and turns of the engine. You watch as one of them points a gun at you.

Jonas grabs you and Meying, making you hurry to lay down in the boat.

The other boat gets eaten by the meg and Jonas starts the engine and drives off while it's distracted.

"It got them! He ate them!" Dj exclaim. "He ate the whole boat!"

(Scene with Hilary.)

You help Jonas make a spear gun while Rigas drives the boat and meying looks out for megs.

"Any signs of the megs?" Jiuming asks her.


"There's no way this thing is gonna work." Mac says.

"Shut up!" You say but instantly regret it. "I'm sorry." You apologise for your outburst to Mac, who just chuckles at your short temper lately.

"It's gonna work." Jonas tells him.

"There's more chance you're gonna blow up yourself than one of the megs."

"Atleast i won't get eaten." Jonas tells him and Dj laughs.

"I hear that." Dj says.

"Can you make me one?" Mac asks and Jonas squeezes his shoulder.

"I got you covered, Mac."

"We need to find a way to warn people." You say. "In case the megs move toward the mainland."

"Theres an island 60 clicks southeast from us." Jiuming say sand points. "It's in-listed as habited."

"Habited by who?" Jonas asks.

"The name more or less translates to Fun-Island." Jiuming shrugs.

"Fun-Island?" Jonas says and you all look at Jiuming in question.


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