Chapter 9 - Fun-Island

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"We had to save the dog."

(Scene at Fun-Island.)
(First a scene from 50km form Fun-Island, 70km from the thermocline event.)

"This doesn't look good." Jonas says as he looks through the binoculars toward the island. "Rigas, get us there fast."

(Scene with Hilary and Montes meeting on the island.)

"Everybody out of the water!" Jonas shouts as you approach the people swimming around.

"Back to the beach!"

You all exclaim but they don't spare you a second of their time as they just continue with they're fun.

(Scene with the Montes and Hilary.)

Then you hear shooting in the forest and the people run the opposite way towards the ocean. You try to stop them.

"Not the water!" You exclaim.

"Get on the beach, get back!" Jonas exclaims and you run up to him.

"You have to save them." Meying says and you turn to see her with Jonas.

"I'm not leaving you or Y/N." He tells her.

"Hello? Cellphones down." Mac says trying to use his phone.

"There's no choice." Meying says.

"She's right." Jiuming tells Jonas.

"You two, find a way to call for help." Jonas tells Dj and Rigas. "Let everyone know what happened."

"You two are gonna hide." He says taking your hand and bringing you to Meying side as he shows her.  "See that lifeguard tower?" He asks her. "Go there, and stay there." He tells her as he leads her forward with a hand on her back and the other holding your hand.

"This is not one of those times where you to do something and you say yes and then whatever you want, understand?" He tells her.

"Yes." She answers.

"You're not messing with me?" He asks.

"No." She shakes her head.

"Take care of Y/N for me, will you?"

"Of course." She answers.

Jonas turns to you.

"I can't do what i need to do, if I'm worried about you."

"We're fine. Promise you'll come back." You tell him.

"You know i love you. Both of you." He adds and Meying hugs him and he takes an arm around you when you join the hug.

"The three of us." Meying then mumbles into his shirt in the hug and you and Jonas look at each other with a small smile.

"The three of you are my world." He says when he pulls away. Before he leaves he gives you a kiss, short but passionate and you take off running with Meying.

(A lot of scenes without Y/N, since she's with Meying. I'll try and fill it out later maybe, didn't have motivation enough right now.)

Meying is watching with binoculars from the lifeguard tower. While you sit down trying to calm the nausea that came back to you.


"What?" You ask but she runs off. "Meying!?" You exclaim but when you stand up the nausea got to you and you puke over the railing.

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