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MANNEQUEEN won the battle against -MILLION so after all that the girls all went home

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MANNEQUEEN won the battle against -MILLION so after all that the girls all went home. Miyoko needed some time alone after seeing her mom just die in front of her.

Miyoko laid on her couch with her hands in her face, she was like that for a while until she heard her doorbell ring. Miyoko groans before getting up and walking over to the door.

She looks through the peephole and sees the tall woman she never thought that would show up stand there. Miyoko opens the door slowly and she smiles sadly.

"Hi." She mutters, trying not to look into bada's eyes. "Hey." Bada could sense something was wrong with miyoko. She steps inside the house when miyoko moves to the side and closes the door behind her.

She takes off her shoes before pulling miyoko into a big hug. "Is there something wrong." Bada didn't want to push the girl so she could tell her.

She just wanted to know if she was okay. Miyoko stayed quietly as the only thing she could do was nod her head. "You dont have to tell me then." Bada sighs into miyoko's head.

Miyoko nods her head again and leans into bada's neck, tears wheeled up in her eyes as she thinks about memories with her mom and dad. bada sits down on the couch, dragging miyoko with her. miyoko sits down on her lap with her head in her chest.

miyoko sniffed in her chest, she played with the strings of her sweater. a light pink color goes across bada's face, with miyoko being on her lap, with her legs on each side of her thighs. it made bada flustered. miyoko feels bada put her chin on top of her head so she looks up at her.

"my mom just died." miyoko says out loud, bada's eyes widen and she looks down at the girl with a frown on her face. "oh my god, i'm so sorry." bada apologizes, miyoko didn't know why the girl was apologizing since she never knew her mom.

miyoko stays silent and leans her head back on bada's chest like a sad cat, bada played with miyoko's hair. the silence went on for about 5 minutes. bada heard snoring happening and tries to see if it was coming from miyoko.

it indeed was coming from miyoko, because when bada tried to move the girl to see better, she just moved closer into her neck. making it harder for bada to confirm her suspicion of where the snoring was coming from.

bada stood up, holding miyoko so she doesn't fall onto the floor, she walks to miyoko's bedroom and lays her onto her bed. before bada could walk away to go and do something that would bother miyoko and wake her up, miyoko pulls bada so she was laying on top of her.

bada gasps slightly. "oh my god." she whispers, miyoko climbs on top of her and cuddles into her, still snoring like a bear. bada smiles to herself before wrapping her arms around her waist. a small giggles come from her mouth, but she stops immediately when she feels miyoko stir in front of her.

 a small giggles come from her mouth, but she stops immediately when she feels miyoko stir in front of her

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