Chapter 1: City lights and Negotiations

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As I traversed the urban maze, the city skyline appeared as an expansive canvas of possibilities; my gaze captivated by the colossal structures that served as a reflection of the aspirations I harboured within.
As a successful real estate professional with a solid reputation for conducting business ethically, I was always about making my impact in the field through applying my expertise with integrity.

Teresa, a force of determination whose ambition sparkled as brilliantly as the city lights, came into my path. Teresa, in contrast to myself, preferred unethical practices and shortcuts; her success was frequently overshadowed by the dubious methods she utilised.
That was, sleeping her way to the top.

One brisk morning, our professional worlds collided in the glass-walled offices of my owned Estate. I, with a stack of meticulously prepared proposals, entered the conference room, ready to seal deals with precision and honor. Teresa, however, walked in with a glint of mischief in her eyes, armed with a reputation for sealing agreements that skirted the boundaries of ethical norms.

"Morning, Elijah. Ready to see how real success is achieved?" Teresa's voice, confident and laced with a hint of challenge, echoed across the room.

My eyes met her gaze, unwavering. "Success is meaningful when it's built on a foundation of integrity, Teresa. Let's not forget the values that define us in this industry."

Teresa held her posture, definitely not phased.

As we took up opposite seats, the air was clearly charged with tension. Teresa, whose ambition was boundless in its disregard for moral boundaries, motivated by an unyielding pursuit of success, and I, rooted in principles.

The meeting commenced, negotiations unfurling like a carefully choreographed dance.

"I must admit, Elijah, your proposals are eloquent, but sometimes you've got to be a bit bolder in this business," Teresa remarked, a sly smile playing on her lips.

I leaned forward, my tone measured. "Boldness doesn't mean compromising ethics, Teresa. There's a fine line between success and integrity, and I intend to walk it."

Teresa responded with insightful tactics, her look bright with a determined intent to outshine her peers.
However, deep within the realm of professional competition lurked an implicit strain—a compelling attraction that went beyond the conflicts fought in the boardroom. Teresa was captivated by my firm dedication to conducting affairs in an ethical manner, whereas I was captivated by her audacity.

As the city lights outside the conference room window began to shimmer with the onset of evening, our worlds unfolded—a narrative of contrasting ideas, questionable choices, and the intoxicating blend of love and ambition in the competitive world of real estate.


I've decided to rewrite this book.
Mia 🩵

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