𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬

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a/n: took me an entire while to decide whether i should publish this or not. sorry in advance lmao 😭

A white ceiling.

Plants everywhere.

The smell of lavender and fresh rain coming through the window like a quick, friendly reminder that it's finally spring.

You're sitting on a couch that's not yours, wearing a top that's not yours either. Next to you is a pretty woman, one with the kind of warmth and safety that makes you want to stay forever. Her eyes are resting on your face as you talk, her lips are curled into a soft, sweet smile. You could talk about anything you want, no matter what, and she'd listen like those are the most precious words she's ever heard.

When your eyes meet, your breath hitches in your throat. Natasha notices that and her smile turns into a small smirk.

"Keep talking", she encourages you.

"Sorry", you say, smiling as you blush ever so slightly. "Where was I?"

She laughs. "You can't remember?"

"No", you say, shaking your head. "Uhm..."

"Italy. Vacation. Ice cream." Natasha leans in and kisses your cheek. "You and me."

"Right." You look into her eyes, the smile on your face keen on staying where it is. "Maybe this summer, if you want to. Cinque Terre is supposed to be absolutely beautiful."

The redhead nods. "Yes?"

"Yes. We could go swimming and eat pizza and...I don't know. It sounds nice."

"It does." She takes your hand, interlacing your fingers. "Let's do it, then."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am." Natasha presses her lips to your cheek. The rain outside starts to intensify, and the loud noise enters the room through the open window and fills the entire space. You close your eyes as the woman kisses your jaw, your neck, your shoulder. You wish you could stay — but that, unfortunately, won't happen. At least not today. You're already running late for work.

You explain that to Natasha, and she nods emphatically. She understands. Of course she does.

She offers to drive you home, so you can change before work, and you agree. Any excuse to spend more time with her is welcomed with open arms, so you put on your shoes and grab your bag.

You step outside into the pouring rain, the droplets dancing on your skin and wetting your hair. You look at Natasha, she looks at you — and you pull her close, kissing her. The rain is starting to fill your shoes, but you don't care. Even getting rained on is nice when you're with her.

"Work", you finally mumble against her lips.

"Work", she repeats, whispering, and kisses you again.

"I'll be late", you sigh.

She smiles and pecks your lips. "Alright, fine."

Natasha turns around and opens the passenger door for you, like every time.

The drive is relaxed and filled with sweet teasing, casual flirting and quiet laughter. It's insane how well you get along, how well you complement each other. Every exchanged word makes you feel like you complete each other like puzzle pieces. It's as if you know her better than you know yourself — a silly thought, delusional almost, but you can't help but think it all the time.

When she stops in front of your apartment building, you lean over to kiss her. Her lips, warm and soft, taste like mint. Her hands cup your face, her thumbs brush over your cheekbones. You inhale her breath, wanting her as close as possible.

"Call you later?", you ask after pulling away.

"Yes." Natasha smiles. "Have fun at work."

You roll your eyes. "I'll try my best."

She laughs quietly and you turn around, a giddy feeling in your stomach.

. . .

You're tangled up underneath her bedsheets, your clothes long gone. Natasha's red hair is open, messy — and absolutely wonderful to look at.

You gasp quietly when her hands squeeze your waist, her fingernails digging into your skin. She pulls you on top of her without breaking the kiss, and smiles when you run your hands over her chest. Her skin is smooth and warm underneath your palm, and you feel the electricity between you as she moves her hands to your thighs.

Her fingers trace the stretch marks on your skin, silently admiring each and every one of them.

You bury your hands in her hair, feeling her soft locks untangle between your fingers. She sighs softly, and you slip your tongue into her open mouth when she does that. A moan or two, low sighs, your lips meeting over and over again.

You brush your nose against hers, making her smile.

Cute, you think, smiling as well.

"I don't want you to leave", she says quietly, looking at you. You want to drown yourself in her eyes.

"I won't. Not tonight, at least."

"What if you never left?"

A question that's definitely worth thinking about. You raise your eyebrows as you consider the possibility, and Natasha gives you a curious look.

Of course you'd stay — forever, even. You've never been happier. You'll never be happier.

But a decision like that can't be made without careful consideration, you know that. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for failure.

"We'll see", you promise, and kiss her again. Natasha's satisfied with that answer, and you go right back to where you were — kissing, your bodies intertwined. Not even a sheet of paper would fit between you, or at least it feels like that.

. . .

The next morning, she's driving you home again. You wanted nothing more than to stay for another while, but you couldn't; work is calling, and you need to hurry.

"Have fun", she says — like every single time. You suspect she's trying to subtly tease you.

"Sure", you reply, smiling. She kisses you, leaning over towards you. Her car is big, and in order to kiss one of you always needs to lean over.

You grab her face, tasting the sugary taste of the cinnamon rolls you had for breakfast on her tongue.

Then, it all starts to fade. Her face escapes from your fingertips, vanishing like smoke. Her features, ingrained in your mind, disappear. The kiss, once so real and raw, is only a shadow of itself — until it's gone as well.

You blink a few times, realizing that you made everything up.

. . .

a/n: I'M SO SORRY i promise the next one will be fluff okay 😭

and yes this is based on 'ceilings' by lizzy mcalpine but i couldn't tell you bc spoilers

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