Can't go back

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2nd semesters almost over, I can finally be done with school. My name is Sora Akira, I'm 5'9, I have brown eyes, and I have black hair with bangs combed to the side, I'm a junior at my school. Ever since middle school I've been trying to fit in with my peers, desperately trying to find a way to not be left alone, so far it's worked, kinda hehe. Before home room started almost all the guys and most of the girls gathered around Takemura's desk, you can call him the "popular guy of this grade" talk about a player "Good morning Takemura!" "Oh hey, good morning Kyoko" "Yesterday's karaoke party was fun right?" "Haha! Sure was! Say, have you seen Kagami?" "No, sorry Takemura I haven't" "Yo! Takemura!" "Well there you are! I was looking for you Kagami, are you up to play some basketball today after school?" "Yeah sure! I'll invite the guys as well, so who are you inviting Takemura?" He looks around the room then points at me "Hey! Akira, you want to-" "Hey! You can't be serious, him? That guys a weirdo, he's always alone, so lame" I knew that was coming it always does everywhere I go it's just insults everywhere! Out of each and everyone of them! "Yeah I don't know what I was thinking sorry man I'll invite someone else" Later after school, Levi-sensei approached me for the first time "Hey Sora, how are things going?" He said as I shoved my books in my backpack to leave "Things are the same as usual" "Yeah that's true, the semester is almost over too, you guys are lucky" "Why are we lucky?" I asked "Because I get to grade finals now haha!" "Oh I see" "Yeah, well I hope you have a great after noon" "You too Levi-sensei, see ya" I walked out. I was walking passed the basketball court where I saw 10 guys on the court, they were set to play a full court game as they were, I watched. "Ohhhhh, Takemura is so hot isn't he??" "No Kagami is hotter" I over heard the girls talking "Heh, so they're the point guards" I said, then I took off. I live 15 minutes from the school if you walk, I walk through the city as well so it's better for me I can grab something to eat before heading home..."Well I guess I'll go to the bakery today" I walk in hearing the bells that always ring when someone opens the doors " "Welcome to- Oh Sora, it's you, how was school?" This is Hyuga Mira, she has long brown hair down to her hips, she's 5'6, and has brown eyes, she is well you could say she acts like my sister, she's 23 years old. "The usual, Levi-sensei talked to me after class, it's pretty tough on the teachers before they can go off to vacation huh" I said as I grabbed my favorite red donuts "Yeah finals are done with and summers around the corner Sora" "So have you found anyone Hyuga?" I said expecting an embarrassed face from her "In fact I have found someone, his names Tanaka Ken, we're planning on going to the summer festival together" "Hehh? Wow I thought you didn't have it in you Hyuga, I was obviously mistaken" "What's that suppose to mean!" I laughed giving her the bag of donuts "Hehe, I'll take these" "Thanks" she said, she told me the charge and I paid and I was off "Have a good evening Hyuga, good luck with Mr.Tanaka!" She smiled and I was off. Only 5 minutes to my house and I can sleep all I want. "Damn it green lights about to turn in for my side of the road hurry up feet!" As I came closer to the stop sign a white figure appeared in my way, am I seeing things? Or is that actually someone I'm going to run into!!!" I collided with a girl, I couldn't tell who it was I couldn't bring my head up because of the pain "Oh! Akira! Are you okay? I'm so sorry" I look up and it's Kitamura Mei, her books fell I should help "No I should apologize, I'm the one who was dashing down the street without paying attention hehe, are you alright, Kitamura?" She seemed embarrassed, her face was red, and her brown eyes matched her brown hair, just like Hyuga, except Kitamura's is short down to her neck. "Yeah I'm fine hehe nothing I can't handle, thank you for worrying though, well umm I have to go my parents are expecting me" she said as she slowly attempted to walk away but slightly staying in place as if she wanted to say something "Uh yeah me too, my parents are expecting me as well, hehe well see ya Kitamura, be careful" she shook her head "Mhm you to" she's a nice girl...I turned around to head home..."I'm home!" This is the part that sucks...I live alone...I was used to my mom telling me welcome back dear how was school...but I guess I can't go back to those days now huh...I walked upstairs after I locked my door and closed remaining shades and curtains to sleep for the rest of the day, I got to my room and threw myself on my bed and fell fast asleep..."Sora! Come down it's time for dinner!...big brother Sora come on you're the only one missing...he finally came down hahaha...big brother Sora how do I look in my Yukata? You look great Hinami! I told you the Yukata mom picked out was cute right?...*gasp* "Damn it...just when I stopped dreaming about hits harder then before.." I cover half my face with my hand in despair..."" I got up and decided to go for a walk...this part of town is just bad, it's a place where young ones shouldn't be...I shouldn't talk...I stood in front of a convenience store just thinking...then I hear some people in the alley to my left "Come on sis, why don't you hang out with us? We're way better and much better looking than those juniors of yours in that high school, we'll do you much pleasure" We'll show you a great time" a group of crooks, they actually have a victim now...damn who is it "Leave me be! I'm trying to get home, my parents are-" "Don't worry about your parents because in a little bit you'll have to be worrying about yourself!" They pushed her towards the wall and her bag and jacket fell...wait...that's!...Kitamura Mei! "I'm going to have lots of fun tonight! Right, Bando" "Yeah!" "Hey! Leave her alone! I'll call the police!" I said raising my phone higher "Huh? Who the hell is this brat? Hey kid! Why don't you scram! This has nothing to do with you!" "Tch...Man that's so guys have to gang up on a poor young girl just to have some fun, that's really sad" "Huh?! What the hell did you say you damn brat!" The guy got closer, he had one of his goons Bando I believe to hold Kitamura against the wall, damn it, what the hell am I doing? Oh god! He's really close!! "I said that's so lame!" I then got what was coming for me, he punched me in the face and then in my stomach but he didn't knock me out, he left and called off his goons. I tried to get up to help Kitamura but couldn't that guy knocked the air out of me...I feel somewhat dizzy..."Sora! Hey wake up! Sora!"....Jeez...can't I go back to when it was all easier...when my mom would always be there telling me everything would be alright...and my dad always complaining about his favorite basketball team losing but at the same time telling me to believe in myself...and complimenting my younger brother and sister...damn it...heh I'm such a pathetic big brother aren't I?...Hinami...Ayato...I'm sorry...

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