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Hello! I remembered something that happened on the day before the Saints, I think. Is that how you call it in the English? You know, the holiday where you remember the loved ones that passed away and you go on cemetery to light a candle and live some flowers for them and tell few or one prayer. Anyway, yes. I went to the cemetery for the day before the Saints with my grandparents and my little sister. We were visiting my great grandparents, you know we did the things everyone does, clean the graveyards, light the candle even if that is not really required to do since is not really that day yet but my grandma loves to do that, and the main thing that you always need to do when you visit the dead loved one, is a prayer.

 Me and my sister were cleaning the graveyard as our grandparents did that to, I didn't really much enjoy it because I was tired the whole day...as every other day. For no reason I looked at the graveyard that was in front of my great grandmas. That graveyard had a ˝book˝ that had flowers on it and a massage like how much they love that person and yada yada... you know, those usual things. I said how that book is lovely and it had really pretty flowers on it, then! My sister looked at it to, she looked at the picture that showed how that person looked like when they were still walking on the earth, she looked at it weird and said: hmm...but I saw him walking yesterday.

...... yesterday? That person...they died in the 2018! When we were cleaning those graves...in the 2020! But yea, then she continued with the work like the thing she said its nothing, or like she said nothing. Oh, yea I see dead people walk around like it's a very common thing.... she left me speechless... I couldn't even do my task properly; I was constantly thinking about it! I couldn't shut up about it anymore, I asked her: you saw him walking yesterday? Girl, they are dead since 2018 hahaha

She looked at me like I'm crazy or something and also, very confused.... then I became confused.

She asked me or told me: what? ˝looks at the grave˝ no... I never said that...what are you talking about?

Boy, I was scared, and I WAS CONFUSED! What the fuck do you mean that you don't remember?!? You told me about that 2-3 minutes ago! Oh boy oh boy.... That kid knows how to creep me out sometimes. She is not normal. If that was a horror movie, and I hate those kinds of movies. I would live her at the cemetery. Alone. But yea...I forgot that she knows her way home so she wouldn't have troubles to get back. But if we were in America! Nah maybe not even there. Anyway, I did tell my friends in the elementary school about that interesting story about my experience at the cemetery. One friend that I still talk to today told me that she would live her there or bury her with the corpse the other one said that I have very odd. Very much odd but yeah...I would be bored honestly if she was normal... sometimes I wish she is normal. But hey, we can't have both, sadly or choose what kind of siblings we can get but maybe that's the beauty of it. But we can raise them to be great people or be the mini version us. No, we can't. I'm not a parent. Raise yourself little one. You have brain thank God. You can think for yourself, I don't need to that for you. But hey I still love you, and you are doing great...I think. Anyway, that's it of my creepy cemetery experience. I've been there before and it's my favorite hang out spot (at daylight) with my one friend. Yea we hang out at cemetery, I don't know why but she likes it there...I also don't want to know why. We sometimes tell creepy stories when we get there, for no reason at all. If you want to be our friend and hang out with us there....be my guest. If you want to go out there at night. I would gladly live you and her all alone there because cemetery's at night are not for me. Thank you.

Anyway, bye!

MORAL OF THE STORY: if you have a creepy sibling that randomly says that they saw someone walking that is long time ago dead... contact the church, let them deal with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2024 ⏰

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