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One. Two. Three. Four.
As the man walked down the wet roads he counted his steps, the soft pattering of the rain fell almost rhythmically to his numbers.
Thirty-one. Thirty-two. Thirty-three. Thirty-four
It had become a habit, counting his steps until he got home, the monotonous counting lulling him into a more relaxed state as he did. Life was stressful, having to smile when all he felt was the gnawing aching pain of living a life he wished he never had. Call him melodramatic but he was tired of it all. His life had reached a point where he felt he had reached rock bottom. He no longer had a family to call his own, he worked a dead-end job as his highest education being barely graduating from the shitty high school he attended in his youth, which left him working a pathetic part-time job at the corner store at the end of his block. Hey, at least it wasn't the worst, in the neighborhood next to them was a hot spot for crime syndicates, here he only got mugged twice. Although, it wasn't as if he had much anyway...
Sixty-one. Sixty-two. Sixty-three. Sixty-four.
He was drenched at this point, he couldn't afford to buy another umbrella, his old one tearing on the way to work. It didn't matter, he couldn't be bothered to care about the water squelching against his sock-clad feet as he trudged down the sidewalk, this wasn't anything unusual for him. Really, a part of him prayed to whatever god there was that he got sick so he didn't have to go to work, though another part of him knew he wouldn't be able to make rent if it did happen so he might as well pick up the pace.
Eighty-one. Eighty-two. Eighty-three. Oh-
His counting was interrupted by a solid force knocking into him, sending his lithe form crashing into the ground. Hm. Maybe instead of retreating into his mind he should have been paying attention to where he was walking...
"Oh my, are you okay?" Ah, the person was still there.
With a heavy sigh, tiredly he dragged his weary gaze to the man standing above him, though his irritation only stirred when he was met with the most blinding smile he'd seen in a while, especially living in this neighborhood. The man was clearly Asian as well, soft almond eyes becoming crests with his large smile, gaze made sweet by his puffy aegyo-sal, though his hair was a shade of platinum blond making him almost resemble an idol. How repulsive, he must not be from around here. "I'm fine. Just watch it next time." He barely had time to stand before a large hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled him up... only for the force to send him straight into the taller man's chest. Why did this have to happen to him today?
Eighty-three, this is step eighty-three. You only have a hundred and three more to go. His train of thought was cut off by the stranger's awkward chuckle, the bright eyesore having the audacity to seem bashful as he fiddled with his pale strands, his other hand still gripping his wrist. "Uhm... I'm actually a bit lost," He knew it. "I-I was actually wondering if you could point me to the nearest station?" What a fucking hassle. Snatching his hand away, the dark-haired man only pointed in the direction he was walking from, his expression completely disinterested. "Walk until you reach the only corner store that way, make a left and you'll see the station a few feet ahead." The blond made a face that showed he was processing his words before smiling, giving a slight bow of his head in thanks before moving to walk away, though he suddenly paused. "Ah, my name is Senshi! Thank you for your help!" Ah, he was staring, he wanted his name too huh? "Kiyoshi. Excuse me, I need to get out of this rain."
As if finally realizing that the sky was indeed pouring down on them the blond gasped, looking up at the grey clouds before giving an apologetic smile. "Oh- My apologies! I hope you get home safe, once again thank you!" The melancholy man only hummed before turning on his heel to continue his short journey. Now, where was he? Ah, yes, Eighty-three. Eighty-four. Eighty-five.
The slouched ravenet was once again swept into his mind as he continued his counting, raggedy loafers smacking the ground as their owner dragged his feet, dark eyes glazing over as muscle movement kicked in once more, completely unaware of the curious eyes hungrily boring into his receding figure.
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