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Word count: 1265

I wake up to voices outside of my door. I get up, grabbing a new pair of clothes. I'll wash my other ones in a creek when we come across one. Putting on the new pair of clothes, clicking my armour in place and pull my robe over my head again. I grab all my belongings and open the door to reveal Clay and Sapnap talking.

"Morning Sire!" Sapnap chimes happily, noticing my presence. "Good morning, George." Clay follows after. I give them a good morning back. Clay's presence caught me off guard a bit, dusting my cheeks with pink again. We're already pretty familiar with each other, for a stranger I just met. Skeppy comes walking towards us with loaves of fresh bread.

We all head outside together, sitting down on the benches near the water fountain located on the middle of the town square. Skeppy and Sapnap sit down on a separate bench, leaving me next to Clay. We sit in silence and eat our loaves Skeppy got fresh from the town bakery. I catch Clay glancing over to me a few times. "This is probably the best bread I've had in a while." He looks at me and chuckles. His deep chuckle sends shivers down my spine for unknown reasons.

"I've never really had the time to stop and go out, enjoying simple things like this." I nod as I take another bite. "I've always been locked up in my castle until my mother..." my smile drops slightly as I glue my eyes to the ground, not wanting to seem vulnerable to a complete stranger who could still kill me, might I add. "I heard that Queen Amelia was assassinated a few years back." He says with a gentle voice, a hand placed on my back rubbing gentle circles with his thumb. "Y-Yes, but the past is the past. We can't keep being stuck over a loved one's death." I say sternly, moving slightly, leaning into his touch. "I'm sorry for your loss George, no one should have to go through losing their mother at such a young age." He lifts my chin with his index finger, making me look at him as he gives a gentle smile. I blush at the intimate gesture, but my eyes linger a bit too long on his. I quickly turn my head and finish my bread and stand up abruptly. "We should get moving if we want to arrive before nightfall." I offer my hand to Clay, which he takes and stands up as well. Sapnap, Skeppy, Clay and I walk to the public stables, fetching our horses.

Clay goes to his horse who is stalled at the end and comes out with a beautiful true black mare tacked in red velvet. My eyes sparkle as they meet the beautiful horse, stretching out my hand calmly to greet it. She sniffs me for a while and places her nose in my palm. I smile. "She's really beautiful, isn't she?" he asks smiling, amused at my fascination. "She is, I've never seen a true black horse before, they're quite rare, aren't they?" I move my gaze to meet his. He just smiles and nods. I move my eyes back to the horse, seeing the velvet it's draped in. He must make good money if he can tack his horse in full velvet. "What colour is the tack?" I ask kind of shy. "I'm colourblind." I add on. "Red." He smiles. I go to my horse and tack him, getting on as soon as I'm done. When I walk out the stables, I see Clay holding a red velvet pouch filled with gold. He hands the owner a few pieces and walks a bit further, waiting for us. We walk over to the owner, also paying him for the stay. Sapnap follows behind me on his palomino roan mare, trailed by Skeppy on his flaxen liver chestnut gelding.

(Here are their horses just for people who don't know what I'm talking about and don't want to google! xD, their names are on the respective horse picture. Yes, I am aware some of the genders aren't right of the horses, they are just a colour reference.)

We depart as soon as we all meet in the town square

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We depart as soon as we all meet in the town square. Clay and I trot up front with Sapnap and Skeppy trailing behind us closely. It's around 9 a.m. in the morning and the ride to Pirn, the capital of Simodin is about 10 hours. We decide to make a stop around noon, resting nearby a creek and picnicking underneath a big oak tree which provides a good amount of shade from the burning sun. I take off the uncomfortable iron boots and put them to my side as I lean back on the tree. I close my eyes, relaxing completely as beautiful mother nature surrounds me.

I feel eyes peering holes through me, I open my eyes and meet those emerald green ones. Make a drawing, it'll last longer (you get it... since no photos exist yet 😉) I smirk as his cheeks flush pink.

° Dream's POV °

I feel my cheeks heating up as he catches me staring at him. God you're beautiful, just like your mother. Don't get attached Clay, if he ever finds out what you did, he'll kill you. I let out a deep sigh. "Perhaps, I'll do that one day." I smirk back playfully as I watch his face get flushed as well.

° George's POV °

I playfully slap his shoulder and gesture for Sapnap and Skeppy to get up, putting my iron boots back on. "We need to get going again if we want to make it before dark." I get up as well. We stash away our picnic blanket and grab our horses, changing their halters back to their bridles. We mount them and trot on.

° Time skip °

After a long day and a few breaks, we finally arrive at the bustling capital Pirn at around 9 in the evening. I placed my crown back on my head before entering the city, to let everyone know we're not intruders or anything like that. As we reach a gate to the inner circle of the city, guards stop us. "Who goes there and what is your business in Pirn?" one of the guards asks us. "I, King George of Ethilon am here to see King Quackity of Simodin with my three guards, Sapnap, Skeppy and Clay." I say loud and clear. "George! I didn't see it was you! How are you?" the other guard chimes happily, his voice giving away his identity. "I'm good Karl, can you tell Alex we're here to see him?" I ask with a bright smile. "Right away Sire!" Karl giggles and runs off to the castle. I turn to the other guard and smile at him. "You're a new guard I'm guessing." I ask, his face flushing a bright crimson. "Y-Yes Sire, I'm Tubbo." He says shyly. "You can just call me George, no need for formals, this isn't my kingdom anyway." I smile. He just nods shyly again, I guess he's just a very shy person. After about 15 minutes of small talk with the group Karl comes running back. "A-Alex...will...see you...now." He pants out heavily. We follow behind him as he walks us to the castle. Once we arrive at its gates we stand in front, I look up at the huge castle, wondering what comes next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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