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You looked around, shopping was something you had always liked, but in that moment you were too scared of Valeria to enjoy it.

She stared at you as if she expected you to say something.

"I- I won't run away."

You nodded, she seemed satisfied enough, she nodded back, her hand traveled down, reaching the small of your back and resting there.

"So what do you want to buy conijeta? You can spend all of my money."

She started walking and you followed her, she seemed really pleased.

"Uh I don't really know... I don't need anything."

She groaned.

"Oh sure, listen, take this."

She handed you a black credit card.

"Do your shopping, don't talk with anyone, stay inside the mall, use all the money you want, I have you tracked so don't do anything stupid. I'll wait for you right here gatita."

You stared at her in disbelief.


She gave you such a dirty look you decided to just walk away, you could feel her stare on your shoulders as you did so.

After a while of just walking around, scared to death of Valeria, you actually got into shops, and started buying things you liked.

You went from clothes, to music, to random objects that you didn't need but thought were pretty.

After a couple hours of shopping, you walked past an exit.

It was a sunny day outside, people were exiting the building, ready to go live their lives, freely.

Did she really have you tracked? And even so, if you told to someone they would've helped you and called the police, right?

You took one single step towards the outside world, another step, another one, and then you found yourself running out of the mall, you ran as fast as possible, dodging the crowd.

Then you heard her, you heard her screaming your name, she was furious, you grabbed a woman's arm.


The woman looked at you with horror as she tried getting away from you.

"Are you drunk?! What the hell! Get away from me you weirdo!"


A hand grabbed your sweater, you were yanked back so hard you almost fell, a strong arm held your waist, Valeria looked at you with fire in her eyes.

"I'm sorry ma'am, my girlfriend is just drunk, please don't mind her, I'm deeply sorry."

Valeria's tone was horribly calm, the woman gave her a dirty look and walked away.

You started trembling in fear, pure fear.

You felt Valeria's hot breath against your ear.

"You are in deep deep trouble pet."

Authors note
I'm deeply sorry for making y'all wait so much, but school is pretty hard on me, and in general I end up with little to no free time, so I had eventually forgotten to write a new chapter.
Unfortunately I can't grant you regularity in my writing, but I won't drop the story, and I will probably write a reminder on my calendar.
I feel deeply guilty for leaving y'all hanging, so I promise I'll write the next chapter soon, and it will be a pretty spicy one.
With that said I hope you enjoied, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU FR 😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗

p.s.: I also revised the other chapters and corrected some mistakes, feel free to help me with that by making me notice 💗

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