✦ { Corina } Lucid

29 4 3

Reviewer: Lady-of-ink

Client: Orizone

"Lucid" tells the story of Xyler, who starts having lucid dreams.

I like the title. It's very suitable for the book. However, I feel the cover isn't really attractive. The man's head and the dragon's are one over the other, and it's actually confusing. While short, I think the blurb is rather nice. It doesn't give us a lot of information about the book, but just enough to have a main idea.

The story is quite original, and the plot is intriguing. I don't think I've ever read a book like this one. But there are so many things happening that I just can't keep up with everything. I also think the chapters are rather short. I would have liked to know something more about Xyler before the action starts.

As a character, Xyler seems interesting, but not someone I can relate with. The only thing we know about him is what job he has and what he wants to do. Nothing more. I haven't seen any mention of his family, friends, or loved ones. There also isn't a lot of description of his feelings, so all I know about him is what I'm being told. The lack of description of his feelings makes it impossible for me to be able to understand him through his actions and thoughts.

I saw every chapter was called 'Act' with a number. That is used for plays, not books.

The pacing of the story doesn't seem exactly great. It doesn't feel rushed when I think everything I read happened in five chapters, but when I think about the length of these chapters, it feels a bit rushed. I think longer chapters could really help.

I haven't seen any grammatical mistakes, something I appreciate. Even if there were any, I don't think there were such great mistakes as I didn't notice them.

I feel there are things you can improve about the book. The plot is interesting, but there are other parts that could be improved.

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