Chapter 22

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet

Mark's POV

"How often do you cook this dish?" I asked Gawin as I forked the last morsel of the beef massaman curry into my mouth.

"To be honest, not very often," Gawin replied, "but I can cook it everyday for you if you wish."

"Of course I wish for you to cook it everyday for me!" I said excitedly.

"The big question is, what do I get from you in return?" Gawin asked, looking directly into my eyes.

"Well... " I paused, suddenly feeling naughty. "I could... "

The Constellation ringtone of my phone sounded.

I automatically dug into my pocket to take the call, knowing that it was Neo calling.

Gawin grabbed my arm.

"Please don't answer it, Mark," he begged, as if he could tell who was calling.

I took my hand out of my pocket.

I guess it was just the polite thing to not take a call while you are a dinner guest in someone's house.

"You haven't answered my question," Gawin prompted when I kept silent.

"Oh yes," I said, remembering belatedly that I had started to say something when my phone had started to ring.

"This is what I'm gonna give you in return," I said, rising slowly from my chair and moving towards Gawin in slow motion.

I towered over him because I was standing while he was still seated on his chair.

He looked up expectantly at me as I lowered my face towards his.

I made my movements excruciatingly slow as my face descended towards his, pausing just as my lips were only less than half an inch from his.

Suddenly I felt impatience overcome him as he reached upwards and grabbed my neck, forcefully lowering my face to him, letting my lips make contact with his.

The kiss started gentle, playful even.

Then I felt his hand move upward from my neck to the back of my head, deepening the kiss.

He stood up slowly from his chair, not losing contact with my lips.

Then my feet were no longer touching the floor as I felt him scoop me up in his arms, bringing me to his bedroom, our lips never losing contact with each other.

He lowered me gently on to his bed, my head resting on to his soft pillow whose pillowcase smelled freshly laundered, emitting a fragrance of a combination of spring flowers.

My lips felt the cold air when he straightened up to remove his shirt.

I stared in fascination as the muscles of his abdomen and chest rippled while he eased his upper body off his pale blue shirt.

Then I watched, my breath starting to quicken, as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned the front of his pants.

I continued to watch as he zipped down his pants and pulled them down his hips then his thighs and down his knees and legs, slowly raising each leg as he tugged them off each feet, his eyes never leaving my face.

I felt like I was in a male strip bar watching a performance for free. Only the soft seductive music was missing.

As he climbed slowly into bed, straddling himself on either side of my hips,something snapped in my brain.

What was I doing here in Gawin's house on Gawin's bed when I felt nothing for him except sexual attraction. My heart was not into him. It was not fair to Gawin to make him think that I had any feelings for him.

And then again, I'm sure he was aware that I had only come to his house for his beef massaman curry.

But as he knelt on the bed, his legs spread on either side of me, his whole body exposed to me except for the part that was still covered by his boxer briefs, I decided, maybe he was just as delicious as his beef massaman curry.

I did not resist when he started to unbutton the front of my shirt ......

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