Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Clouds. All around me are cozy clouds. I float around feeling the sun's warmth on me. “ Hello sun!” golden wings sprout from my back and I fly up to meet the sun’s open arms. My hands lock around the sun's neck as I snuggle into the warmth. “ Okay guys, he’s adorable.” I snap as anger floods into me. I swing back and punch the sun killing the illusion.

“ I am not adorable!” The sun stared shocked at me, “Man, you can pack a punch!” The warmth wasn’t from the actual sun, it was from Siren. His blue blindfold mask stared back at me. I take a deep breath in “AH!” I’m out the door before Siren can react. I run down the hall screaming all the way, my hand reaches for a door, but the door opens before I can. There stands the blade with his pig skull mask and glowing red eyes. I'm silent for a millisecond. “AH!” I scream louder and run down the steps I finally see, but before I can run out the door that looks like it leads to the outside another person gets in my way. He grabs onto me wrapping his wings around my body.
He chuckles, “Now where are you off to little one?” My knees grow weak, and my eyes relax, all the adrenaline rushes out of my body as I calmly answer, “ I’m leaving.”  The pleasant sound rumbling from his chest soothed my ears almost putting me to sleep.

“ You can't leave. You imprinted on me, which means you can't leave. Especially since you’ve seen my face.” My eyes travel to his face as my blue eyes meet his blue eyes. “ I know you.” He chuckles again. He was the man from the grocery store. The one that gazes at me is the fuzzies and milk. “When can I go home?” “ You already are.”
He carries me like a baby back up the steps where Siren and the Blade are watching. “ Where are we going?” This situation was scary, but I couldn’t bring myself to worry in the older avian's arms. “ To Wilburs' room. You’re staying there until the bed we bought is moved into your room.” His smile is the sun. Warmer than a thousand suns. Why can’t It be like this forever?

He opens the room and lays me on the bed I woke up in. I won’t let go when he tries to leave. He chuckles again, “ Wilbur come here. You have off from work, and your chore is taking care of the baby.” Wilbur whines, “Why?” Zephyrus glares at the man at the doorway with the blade. “Fine.”

Zephyrus pried my hand off his shoulder and placed it on Wilbur’s. As soon as my hand was on something not as strong as Zephryus I instantly pulled Wilbur close. Now that I have him captured in a hug I snuggle back into his chest the same way I did this morning. “ I guess calling him adorable breaks him out of this?” I heard ‘Wilbur’ whisper. “ I guess.” I heard Zephyrus chuckle again and I melted in Wilburs' embrace. “Chirp!” Wilburs had to play with the locks in my hair. Zephyrus and the Blade leave closing the door.

“ Who are you, ‘Wilbur’?” I had snapped out of it when he said adorable about me.
Wilbur's hand stops weaving through the locks, “ apparently your brother now…” He groaned. “Hey!” I sit up, “ I’m a great brother! Don’t act like being my brother won’t be the best thing in the world. You’re just jealous of me because I'm a big man!” He rolls his eyes and sits up as well, “ Right. You? A big man? You’re a child.” I slap him across his irritating face. “ No, I am not!” Wilbur shoves me to the other side of the bed. “ You are! Why else would you imprint on Dad!” I pause, “What, with whom?” He stared at me as if I  was stupid. “ wait. Do you even know what you are?” “ I’m a vigilante, duh.” Now I looked at him stupidly, “ No, no, I mean species. Human, or hybrid?” I rub my eyes, “ I’m human. Is it not obvious?” He tilts his head studying me, “ Yes you, look, human, but you imprinted, on dad, which means you claimed him as your parent.” He said each word as if I was a child not understanding gravity. I felt offended so I gave that attitude back, “ I am human, not, hybrid, because if I was a hybrid, I would've known when I was young, ok?”

He laughed in my face, “ Yeah whatever kid. Try telling that to Dad!” He cackles in my face, “ I am human!” I glare at his ugly appearance. “ Right, right, you're, 're human’ just as much as I'm a hero!” He laughs more before collecting himself, “ Sorry, do you want to watch something?” His smile feels so sincere, “ Raccoon compilations! They are funny little guys.”

Time Skip

“HAHA! Look he fell over!” The door opened while Wilbur and I sat on the bed laughing at the humorous raccoons. “ Now what's going on here?” An amused Zephyrus walks into the edgy theater kids' room. “ Nothing much Dad. Theseus and I were just watching these raccoons. Look! That one looks like you!” On the screen, there was a raccoon that sat tiredly while three tiny raccoons rough-housed around it. “ Haha! It does!” I don’t even know these people, but I can already tell that the raccoon resembles Zephyrus.

“ Oh, by the way, Wilbur, you call me Tommy. You don’t have to keep calling me Theseus.” I smile up at the brunette. A few hours ago, he removed his blindfold showing off his charming brown eyes. “ Alright, Tommy.” My heart warmed at him using my name, already he’s like a brother to me. My cold eyes soften but quickly return. How dare I think of these people like family? How dare I care about them so quickly? I have my actual family back home at our apartment. How dare I discard them for a few laughs?

“You okay, Tom’s?” Wilbur had caught on to my expression change far too quickly than I would have liked. “ I’m just dandy.” I fake a smile real quick, before turning back to the large TV watching as one raccoon smacks another. Neither Wilbur nor Zephyrus believed my smile, but I ignored them when a silent conversation took place before me.

“ Are you hungry Tommy?” Zephyrus spoke up beckoning me to turn to his voice immediately. “ Yes. I could devour a city. “ I rush to follow in his steps. Wilbur stands up curious about what Zephyrus had waiting for me. I take in the decorations on the walls; A picture of a very much younger looking Zephryus, Wilbur, and who I'm assuming to be the blade, all standing with a smile and two pieces of paper in front of a building I’m too familiar with. I stood glaring at the photo. “ Is something wrong?” The avian strolls over to me. “ Ah, I remember that like it was yesterday. The day I adopted my pride and joys, Wilbur, and Techno. My little babies.” He wraps a hand around my shoulder, the same as he does in the picture. I can’t help but lean into the touch. My mind clears, but there's an ich. An itch that tells me I’ll never be in that picture. I won’t be in front of the adoption center with a smile like Wilbur and techno, I'll never have a true family.

His hand stays around me, “Let's go eat, Shall we?”

Tubbo POV:

“Ranboo, I'm freaking out!” My hooves stop while I pace in a circle. “ Tubbo, you need to stay calm.” Ranboo being the cool rational tall one tried to calm me down. “ CALM DOWN! Tommy disappeared last night telling me goodbye before radio silence, then this morning a body where we last tracked him to was found of the hero Diamond, and you’re telling me to calm down?!” The Enderman who once stood next to me now disappeared into particles and formed back sitting on the couch, “ I just think it would be best if we had a clear mindset. I’ve known Tommy since we were in that orphanage, and trust me, if he’s in any danger, he can take care of himself. Besides I bet you he’s in great care.” “Or, he’s in prison for manslaughter!” My pacing starts back up and my hooves chipped at the already chipped floor.

Ranboo sighed letting the deteriorating couch pull him in, “ He’ll be fine. He’s probably in a mansion somewhere living life.” I stopped pacing staring at him, “ If he was all dandy, then why hasn’t he tried to get in contact with us?” Ranboo takes time to consider that, “ If he was in prison, then why haven’t we gotten a phone call like he’s supposed to? And maybe the nice place he’s staying at requires him to not have his phone. Maybe he was kidnapped by the nice rich people? There are endless possibilities Tubbo. Maybe he did kill that hero and felt guilty and ran away”

This tall guy is getting on my nerves. Something severe happened to our friend, but he doesn't seem to care. How could he be so cruel? Damn tall people. The purple particles appear in front of me, “ We need to get to work. Especially since Tommy is now absent, we need all the money we can get. After work, we’ll go search, and during our breaks, we can look to see if he was arrested in different places.” I nod, aware that we do really need the money.

     Tommy, Where are you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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