Chapter 9

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e all crawl near to eachother making sure everyones here

"Everyone here? U guys okay?!" Richie shouts and we all respond shouting confused

We stand up and bev points her flashlight around

"What the fuck was that did we do it?.." I say slowly confused as my ears popped

"I cant hear shit!" Bill yells
"Im so confused!" I yell too

"Wheres mike?" Richie says and we all start shouting mike
"Here here im here guys!" He runs up from behind a rock

"Did we do it did we do it!?" I repeat wondering if we could hear eachother properly

"We put the tokens in the thing!"
"Thats good right?!" Bev starts tapping her flashlight pointing it upwards showings ITs face only now hes twice the size he was before
"Oh did it work Mikey? Did it work?" IT laughs "tell them why your silly little ritual didnt work tell them its all just a...whats the word eds? Gazebo?.."

I look at Mike confused which ive been alot lately.

Had he been lying about the ritual? I mean no surely he wouldnt have.

"Mike whats he talking about?" Eddie asks

"Oh Mikey you never showed them the fourth side did you? Didnt want them to know..what acuatlly happend to the poor shokopiwah?" IT smiles manically

"Fuck Mikey you lied to us again!" Bill shouts

I look at Mike with disbelief and he looks back at me shaking his head.

"No! But they didnt want believe they didnt believe they could kill it! Thats why it didnt work back then!" He yells trying to explain

"Are you fucking kidding me Mike!" Richie shouts
"We hurt him!"

"I needed something anything for us to remember anything for us to believe!"

The three white orbs then smoked and went up high shining brightly

"The deadlights! Dont look at them!" Bev warns us

I cover my eyes turning away slightly but also being able to see IT

"For 27 years i dreamt of you..i craved you oh ive missed you!" IT yells smiling

I was thinking about how are we supposed to defeat IT now i mean hes huge now and has multiple legs with claws like a crab

We all start to move except for mike
"Move back Mike!" We yell
"Waiting for this very moment..." He carrys on

"Mike get back now!" I yell again seeing he hasnt moved
"Im sorry Carla im sorry guys." Mike says

"Time to floattt.." IT sings and pulls out his claw and heads for mike
Bills runs over to mike and grabs him both of them falling to the floor dodging ITs claw

We all yell for mike to get up and run over to him i grab one of his arms richie and bill going for the other one
"Shit! Run go go!"

We then all run fast dodging every one of ITs attempt to hit us with his claw some of us eventually seperate as his claw comes between us

I see Mike hide under this rock Richie and Eddie into a cave and Bev and Ben somewhere i else

Fuck i was by myself but so was Mike and Bill i run behind this wall catching my breath and seeing there was a door.

Sighing i turn around and see IT getting closer to me..fuck it i open the door and walk in its just dark and hard to see i put my hand on the wall and feel a switch.

Us Losers Again • Mike Hanlon²Where stories live. Discover now