1. The Unfortunate One

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AUTHORS NOTE: Dialogue and thoughts in Japanese will be underlined!! Any other language will not. Thinking will be 'like this' or 'like this'. Telepathic communication will be "like this" or "like this".

Please enjoy the story!


The temperature around you seemingly plummeted in seconds all the while an ever growing heat sparked in your chest. Black spots muddled your vision effectively and a coiling tightness had strung itself onto your body like the strings that control a marionette's every action.

A metallic blade had found itself lodged into your chest cavity, greedily lapping up the crimson that engulfed it as it stayed snug between broken ribs. Like a vice the muscles hidden beneath skin in your chest clenched around the foreign object, heart screamed out to you as the ember that once was had burst into flames in a matter of seconds. And before you could blink; everything burned.

Thoughts jumbled up together in your mind- everything in disarray all the while unknown figures surrounded you. You felt as if you were a caged animal in a zoo, perhaps something akin to a lion or bear who made one wrong move on pure instinct and now had to suffer the consequences for their wrongdoings. All the while others gathered around to simply watch the animal fall. To surrender to their injuries and pass on to the afterlife.

Yet, you had done nothing of the sort in this instance. Your only wrongdoing was being a witness to a crime that was almost executed perfectly. So, why did you have to be the one that suffered?

Perhaps you could be at fault here- obviously fate seemed to believe so. After a quick stop at the nearest gas station you'd encountered a man seemingly stalking another woman when you were heading back to your vehicle. She seemed to have nothing on her for self defense, only holding a pack of cigarettes in one hand whilst the other was occupied carrying a brown and white clutch purse.

He lurked behind isles of useless product and food, following her with a vile intent that was riddled with the want of cornering her. Seemingly thinking the young lady would be easy prey at a time as such.

Taking a position to where only those who were outright searching for you would be able to spot you, you'd ducked behind a garbage can that hid your silhouette for the time. A small bell dinged to signal that the door had been opened, and as you expected one figure came out along with another not too far behind.

As soon as those two were out of sight from where the cashier was you only made a move at the sight of a hurried hand fishing into a pocket to pull out none other than a weapon. Eyes narrowed to focus on the situation you quickly stood up straight and plucked out the pocket knife that was attached to the waistline of your pants, effectively having hidden it by having the rest of it travel into your own front pocket.

Moving with haste you approached the two. Yet, you made sure that your footsteps couldn't be heard. You were only a few steps away from the situation at hand when he grabbed onto the woman's shoulder harshly and dug his thumb against her collarbone.

In response to the sudden unexpected contact she let out a scream before quickly turning on her heel to find out who was to blame for touching her which caused everything to escalate. Another shout of fear was torn from her throat at the sight of the knife in his hand. It glimmered within the pale man-made lights around, blade pointing directly at her.

Within another second you reached the two before a word could be uttered out and you thrusted your arm forward, cleanly piercing through the flesh and bone surrounding his wrist. As a result he sharply yelled and dropped the knife onto the ground and the brunette to your right backed away from the man with haste.

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