Hold Me

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We pull away from the kiss, standing in the middle of the bathroom. Somehow my hands have found a place on her hips.

So, I'm not the only one that felt that. I say to her as she's standing in her towel still. I felt it too but .... she places her right hand on mine and grabs a hold of it. My hand now laying on her back close enough to her posterior. She exhales and lays her head on my shoulder. Hold me.

I held her like forest primroses. I'm slowly feeling the glass of wine settling in. Are you okay? I look down at her to see if the wine is affecting her the same way, her eyes are sitting low.

Let's get you to bed. I leave her standing as I grab her clothes and bring them. She removes her towel and drapes it over my shoulder. I see her body, this time I take in everything. My eyes measuring the distance from her lips to her breast, from her breast to her scar that sits above her sweet treasure. The alcohol has taken over my thoughts. She knows I'm examining her body. She puts her arms around my shoulders and pulls me in close. I hold her closely and smell her natural scent, capturing.

Okay, we need to get you in bed, now. I can't control myself if we stay like this. I chuckle and take the shorts from under my arm. Put in your left leg. I instruct her and she opens her legs. From my position, I can see her dark rose with it's pretty pink interior. Right leg, now.

I pull the shorts up to her waist and grab the shirt from under my arm. Arms up, hold on. Take a seat. I say to her as I notice her stumbling from my instruction. I stand in front of her with the shirt prepped for her arms. She grabs a hold of my waist and buries her face in a place that has been pulsating since the alcohol kicked in.

I stand still for a minute trying to compose myself. I help her put her shirt on, seemingly the shirt is bit see through. I take her to the bed and lay her down. Don't leave me. She says seductively in my ear.

I need to shower too. I explain to her.

She sits up and ask if she can sit in there as I shower. No, you lay right here. I'll be right back.

I walk to the bathroom and take off my clothes. Heading to the shower, I place my face under the water and allow it to drench me from my head to the top of my body, touching my breast. I place my back towards the shower head and have the water hit it. I extend my arms out to grip the wall and the shower door.

I exhale in sexual frustration. I don't know what I want. The sensations are no longer common, but this is the first time I feel them with a woman. I grab a washcloth that's in the shower and apply body wash.

I hear the toilet seat hit the tank causing me to jump. I'm proceed silently wanting to finish this shower and get to my bed. Rinsing the soap off my body, I watch her leave the bathroom. I exhale a breath I did not know I was holding.

I grab my towel from the hook and wrap it around my body. Finding my slippers, I walk over to the sink and open the draw to get my dental hygiene and deodorant. I grab Fantasia an extra toothbrush and walk over to the bed.

Come on let's finish our night with this routine before we sleep. She gets out of bed begrudgingly. We move through it swiftly and walk over to the bed.

I grab my night wear from the dresser. Prepping my self at the edge of the bed, I apply lotion to my skin. You were suppose to be sleeping in the guest room, I tilt my head and look at the exhaustion on her face.

Fine, keep your hands to yourself. She chuckles lowly and gets underneath the covers. I join in shortly after.

With my head starting to pound and tiredness overtaking me. I turn by body towards the window and place the cover over my shoulders. I feel hands searching for my body and they eventually find me. She pulls herself close and nuzzles up to me.

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