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Miguel stepped into On Beat Studio, his eyes wide with a mix of excitement and nervousness. As he hesitated near the entrance, a vibrant girl with a cascade of curls bounded over to him.

"Hey there! I'm Violetta. Welcome to On Beat Studio! Are you a new student?" she asked with a warm smile.

Miguel nodded, his gaze fixed on the floor. Violetta persisted, "What's your name? Don't worry, everyone here is really friendly."

"I'm Miguel," he mumbled, barely audible.

Violetta continued, undeterred, "Nice to meet you, Miguel! You're going to love it here. The dance routines, the music—"

Before she could finish, a confident and slightly intimidating girl, Ludmila, approached them. "Violetta, why are you bothering this poor guy? He looks like he'd rather be anywhere else," Ludmila remarked, eying Miguel with a raised eyebrow.

Violetta shot her a playful glare, "Come on, Ludmila! I'm just being friendly. Miguel, this is Ludmila. She might seem tough, but deep down, she's not that bad."

Ludmila smirked and extended her hand to Miguel, "Well, aren't you lucky to have me introduce myself? I'm Ludmila. If you need any guidance, I'm the go-to person around here."

Miguel, still reserved, nodded in acknowledgment. Ludmila, curious, leaned in a bit, studying his expression. "Why so quiet, Miguel? Cat got your tongue?"

Violetta shrugged, "I don't know. He's been like this since he walked in."

Ludmila persisted, "Spill it, Miguel. What's going on?"

Miguel hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, "I... I'm just not used to new places. It's overwhelming."

Ludmila softened her gaze, realizing his discomfort. "Well, Miguel, you've got Violetta and me to show you the ropes. On Beat Studio is like a family, and you're part of it now."

Miguel shifted nervously and finally gathered the courage to speak up, "Um, excuse me. Do you know where I can find a teacher? I need to figure out my schedule."

Violetta flashed a reassuring smile, "Sure thing, Miguel! Ludmila and I can show you. Let's go to the teacher's lounge."

Together, they made their way down the teachers lounge. Ludmila confidently knocked on the door marked "Teachers Lounge." The door swung open, revealing a familiar face – Pablo.

"Pablo! Hey there," Ludmila greeted with a cheerful grin.

Violetta chimed in, "Hi, we just wanted to introduce you to Miguel. He's a new student and needs help with his schedule."

Pablo nodded, "Right.. the new student! Of course I can help! Where is he?"

Violetta turned around to find Miguel, only to see him quietly exiting the studio. She rushed over, "Miguel! What happened?"

Miguel hesitated before admitting, "It's just... everything is overwhelming."

Violetta placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, Miguel. We're here to help. Let's go meet Pablo, and he'll guide you through everything."

With Violetta's support, Miguel mustered a grateful smile, "Thank you, Violetta." he said quietly.

They rejoined Ludmila and approached Pablo in the teacher's lounge. Ludmila explained the situation, "Pablo, meet Miguel. He's a bit overwhelmed, and we thought you could help him with his schedule."

Pablo extended a welcoming hand, "Nice to meet you, Miguel. Don't worry, we'll make sure you feel at home here. Let's get that schedule sorted out, shall we?"

Secrets Beneath the Studio // ViolettaWhere stories live. Discover now