5 - Spent Together

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The orange light of sunrise peered through the closed blinds, bathing the room in a warm atmosphere. Chara found themselves awoken in a gentle embrace. A soft hand was tangled in their hair, and another one rested on their waist. They looked up, eyes landing on Frisk. They were still fast asleep.

It was a peaceful sight. Quite the opposite of the tear-wrecked human that fell asleep the night before. Chara's gaze remained fixated on them. Their chest slowly rose up and down, the occasional snore escaping their slightly agape mouth. With every snore, Chara felt themselves smile a little bit more.

It was funny, really. Never had they ever dreamed of being a second chance, yet here they were. Alive, in the flesh. Another chance to right the wrongs they had done.

To right the wrongs they had made Frisk commit.

The thought stuck to them as they frowned. It was confusing. They didn't recall Frisk ever doing anything bad. They were probably the most peaceful individual on the planet. And yet, they felt it gnawing at them.

But if they had forgotten, it probably wasn't worth remembering.

"You look constipated." Oh. Frisk was awake.

The suddenness of the statement took Chara by even more surprised. "Huh?!"

"You're like, deep in thought." Frisk smiled. Their eyes were closed, seemingly still half asleep.

"... Do you mean contemplating?"

"Same difference."

"One means thinking, the other means you can't take a dump."

Frisk grinned. "Too early." They nuzzled their head to Chara's chest, resulting in a quiet wince from the other. Frisk gasped. "Shit! I'm so sorry-!" They shot up, a panicked expression decorating their face.

"It's fine."

"There's blood on the bandage though..."

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, the open wound bled?"

Frisk crossed their legs, grabbing hold of their ankles as they looked down at Chara.


The older raised an eyebrow. "For what?"


"I know you, Frisk. I'm not bothered by it." Chara paused. "Did you sleep well?"

They nodded. "I did, yes. You're a good hugger." Red eyes met confused brown ones. "You should take me in your arms more often."

"Your flirting isn't gonna work on me.", Chara chuckled.

"Bummer." A small pause. "Did you sleep well?"

"Kind of. Had a weird thought, though."

"How do you mean?"

Chara started fidgeting with a loose thread from the bedsheets. "There's this kind of feeling gnawing at me."

"Does it have to do with your past? You never talked to me about that."

They flinched. "Probably because I don't want to."

Chara shot a cold glare at Frisk. Cold shivers crawled down their back.

An eerie silence loomed over the two of them. Chara could be blunt, rude, even, but they had never acted that way towards Frisk before. It felt strange. It was as if a certain sensation of animosity had grown between them in the fraction of a second. Did they just make Chara hate them? Just like that?

"Sorry.", Chara started. "I didn't mean to bite at you like that. My past is just something I do not want to talk about."

"That's okay. I shouldn't pry." Frisk's eyes met Chara's once more. Luckily, they had a warmer, more welcoming look. "But if you ever change your mind..."

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