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1.When did you become a directioner?

A: 2011, When WMYB came out <3

2.Do you have a favourite 1D fanfic?

A: Yes, its Saved By Harry Styles on wattpad.

3. Whats your favourite interview with the boys?

A: I like them all, but I guess the Ellen Show, or Friday Night Live skit if that counts.

4.What is your favourite bromace/romance?

A: Bromance = Ziall, Romance = Elounor

5.Favourite quote from the boys?

A: If it can be one boy instead, it'd be "No! Jimmy Protested."

6.Favourite Up All Night & Take Me Home song?

A: Up All Night - Moments. Take Me Home - Rock Me

7. What would you say is your favourite 1D merchandise (doesnt have to be one you have)?

A: T-shirts with all the boys on them

8.Who would you rather be: Their hair stylist or manager? Why?

A: Hair stylist all the way! So that I can feel their sexay hair!! :)

9.Have you written and 1D fanfics that you would like to share?

I have some on my IG account,@1d_fanfics_stories__

10. Anything else that you would like to say?

I LOVE OUR BOYS! Mkaii thanx. :)

The Wattpad Directioner Interviews (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now