Chapter 6

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Trigger Warning


Jungkook is speechless. He didn't know she was that soft and would actually cry like that. Sure, it frustrates him when he sees her again and his instant thought is to get the information out of her and scare her.

Their first meeting was not a good start and he also felt bad tiny bit for criticizing her at her workplace. However, she deserved that. Why should he even feel sorry for? She flirted him first and had the guts to say he was gawking at her. That day, he was under the weather. So he sort of vented his anger on her.

He also took a mental note to give her some life lesson, if only they met again. On the contrary of his prior thought, he has no clue why this girl who is bold enough to ask him out in the first place is crying like a child.

"Hey," he calls, troubled. He looks around and sees people at the hospital are peering at him. He pushes his messy hair back and puffs the air out. "Stop crying. I didn't even say anything mean."

Jisoo hears nothing except her cries as she feels the immense amount of loneliness after holding herself for so long.

"Jisoo!" Taehyung runs towards her and holds her shoulders, pulling her away from Jungkook. The latter looks at the two deliberately.

Jungkook wants to leave this annoying place as soon as possible but he's intrigued by the scene before him. Well, it may appear ordinary in other's eyes but to Jungkook it's not.

Kim Taehyung, the heir of the Kims is comforting a girl who is not his rumored girlfriend. Jungkook doesn't gossip but witnessing his dear cousin fooling two girls and everyone while acting like a saint? He can't help but grins mischievously.

So this is what Mr.Saint Kim Taehyung is doing behind that disgusting facade of mighty heir. Jungkook is interested.

"What did you do to her?" Taehyung glowers.

Jungkook raises his both hands and pouts. "Nothing. I'm innocent and the real victim here. She just started crying out of nowhere after she ran into me."

"How can running into you make her cry? Do you think I'll buy your nonsense?"

"Chill, man. What's the need to be so passive aggressive? You can ask anyone here that I did nothing to her-"

"That uncle is lying!" They both look at the kid who is sitting on the bench near. Little kid points his finger at Jungkook.

"Uncle?" Jungkook points at himself in disbelief. "Who are you calling Uncle, kiddo?" Jungkook growls, his tongue poking his inner cheek, can't believe a kid can be this annoying.

"He yelled at that Noona and assaulted her!" The kid defends, not afraid of Jungkook's piercing eyes.

"Assualt-" Jungkook stops himself as bickering with a little kid will make him look more stupid. He turns to Taehyung and glances at Jisoo who has now calmed down. "Even if I did, so what? What are you gonna do? What are you? A fucking hero or something? By the way, aren't you with another girl? What are you doing here with this... crybaby? Wait, are you here for ultrasound-"

"Shut the hell up." Taehyung cuts him. "Don't say thing you're not concerned with. You can simply piss off."

When he tries to hold Jisoo's hand, he can only grasp air. She's not beside him as he thought. Where did she go? He looks at his back to see her fragile figure slowly walking away sloppily.

He hears Jungkook's snicker from his back but ignores it and follows quickly after Jisoo.


Jisoo dozed off on a chair beside Jin's bed while waiting for him to wake up. What she wasn't aware of was Jin pretending to be asleep in order to avoid her.

She jolts slightly when Mrs. Bae nudges her. "Jisoo, why don't you go sleep on the bed Taehyung prepared for you? You'll hurt your back if you sleep on the chair for long. Don't worry about Jin. Mr.Gu said he's on his way back here as I've to go home and take care of my family. Okay?"

Disinclined, she stares at Jin. How long has she been sleeping here in this itching position? Taehyung said he had somewhere else to be so he left before she was out of conscious.

He sure is caring and benevolent. How could Jennie leave a man like him? Meeting a man like Taehyung in this world is like discovering a rare treasure as all men are either an asshole or selfish, they help others only when it benefits them.

Jisoo is glad to encounter Taehyung as her acquaintance beside Mr. Gu and Mrs. Bae.


To clean herself, Jisoo goes to the sink the nurse directed and washes her face and hands. She examines her appearance in the mirror. Eye bags as the result of crying ceaselessly, puffy face and dry lips, unkempt low bun hair, and prominent dress Taehyung gave, excellent.

She looks like she just broke up with her first love. Ironic, as she has never held a guy's hand, let alone dating. Mocking her miserable self, she makes her way back to Jin's room.

When she reaches to pull the door she pauses in midway hearing her brother's voice. Normally, she would be over the moon he's finally awake but she can't because of what he is screaming loudly.

"Who said she's my sister?! I don't have a sister! You really think I'll happily accept her because she brought me here to cure my wounds?! Whose fault do you think that I've to face bullies?! She abandoned me and left me to live her grand life! Now I'm ugly and useless all because of her! She didn't care about me before and suddenly she does?! I hate her! I hate her so much for abandoning me! Mom and Dad left me and I thought I could have my sister by my side but she's no different! They all are the same!! I hate them! I hate all of them!"

Jisoo felt her eyes burn and uncontrollable tears roll on her cheeks. "No..." she leans to the door and shakes her head. "Please don't say that." She begs, her voice trembling. "I...never wanted to leave you." She hiccups and beginning to lose her breathing. Everything is too throttling for her.

"Jin, calm down." Mr.Gu voices. "You can't move like that. You have drip in your wrist so if you move so much it will rip off."

"I don't care! I don't care if it rip off or it kills me! I don't want to live a life with this ugly face! Everyone will laugh at me! How can I even live?! Let me die! I'd rather die than live this miserable life!"

Hearing that triggering words, Jisoo immediately pushes the door and dashes inside. Their life is cruel and unfair but if she can live with it for years why can't he? No. She can't imagine a life without her brother. She can't lose him.

"Kim Seokjin! Are you out of your mind?" She yells. "Why are you, a child is talking about it?!"

Jin's pained expression is completely changed into sheer hatred and resentment, as soon as he notices Jisoo.

"Get out! Get the hell out of here! Who are you?! I don't want to see your face! Anyone! Take her out of my room and my life!"

"Jin..." she pleads through her cries. "Please..."

"I said get out! Don't you ever show your face in front of me! If you don't leave me right now... I will...I will... kill myself right here! Leave! Fucking leave!" He gets up from his bed, ripping the pipe off as he marches around the room to search something to harm himself.

Jisoo impotently follows her teary eyes at what Jin is doing. Her voice is feeble as her heart races. "W-what are you doing-"

Jin sees a flower pot on the table and holds it before smashing it against the wall. He places the sharp substance into his bruised waist.

"Seokjin! Put it down!" Mr.Gu shouts, attempting to take it away from Jin but the boy only pressures it, blood oozes out of his skin and drops to the floor.

"Leave!" He screams maddeningly.

Nurses and doctor hurry into the room, pushing Jisoo away as she falls lifelessly on the floor. They all tame Jin and one of the nurses tells none workers to get out. Mr.Gu helps Jisoo to stand on her feet as they leave the room.

"Jisoo? Jisoo, breath." Mr.Gu shakes her body as she makes no action. "Oh god, my poor child." He hugs her petite body and sighs.

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