Chapter Nine.

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chapter 9I lay in bed that night.. peaceful... and slowly drifted into sleep, in and out of sleep, waking upcalmer evry time, and i said to GOD, "I'm ready to die. For now I have Faith." Light surroundedme adn i looked above me and saw him, my Guardian Angels smiling down at me, wrapping hiswings around me and crying, tears of sadness and happiness i couldn tell, perhaps sad that iwas saying i was ready to leave this world but happy because of what... that i told GOD i wouldonly be ready to die when i had faith in him again... perhaps, "Am I going to heaven?" I asked,suddenly feeliing immense fear in me, and i heard something evil shouting "SATAN**2 but icouldn't see him, i just looked up and saw the gates of Heaven were open to me, and then iheard GOD speaking, and i thought, "Is THIS what death is like? This is a miricle. There wasnever any reason to be scared. Am I still alive... yes, I am..." I was still alive, but floating up inmy body with my Guardian Angel as i heard GOD tell me "You are in The kingdom Of GOD."adn i walked to the gates of Heaven and met Jesus Christ who told me, "All your life... GOD hassaved you... GOD only ever wanted you to realise that HE IS." i told him i been a stupid man...and that i repent my sins. For Jesus told me, "I have taken your sins for you. You are forgiven.GOD knows your heart. GOD knows ever hair on your head. GOD knew you were going toprove yourself to HIM all along."I said to Jesus that I wanted to make it up to GOD, my bitterness and anger and hate andarguemnts and complaints and swearing and blaspheming... I said I wanted to do work for GODin Heaven... I went into the gates of Heaven, no longer was i on earth... and there was GODALLAH enthroned.He showed me a baby boy... I was in love with him... completely unconditoonally. He told me,"For your job... is being his Guardian. For he is the son of the boy that you saved the life of.This is his greatest prayer... that he meets you again. Tell him that you are there."I am, indeed, now a Guardian Angel.

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