Makeing a Good First Impression

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Peppermint took a deep breath and entered the cave. It was lined with tables and the smell of flowers was in the air. Peppermint slowly walked over to one of the tables where a NightWing was sitting. "Hi, is this where I come to Receive a scroll?" Peppermint asked. The NightWing nodded and handed her a scroll tied with a black leather band.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. The name's Peppermint." Peppermint said, bowing her head and smiling brightly at the NightWing. "It's nice to meet you, Peppermint. My name's Fatespeaker. I hope that you will enjoy your four years here at the academy." Fatespeaker told her. Peppermint nodded and walked to a corner of the cave and she slowly unrolled her scroll.

Hmmm... It looks like I'm in the Jade Winglet. That's cool. My clawmates seam interesting. Peppermint thought to herself with a small smile forming on her face. She then rolled up her scroll and put it into her pouch.

Then Peppermint decided to walk around and explore the place a bit. As she was walking, she bumped into a NightWing with purple and ebony-colored scales.

"I'm very sorry. Please forgive me, it was my fault." Peppermint replied while she bowed in apology to the NightWing dragonet. She just laughed and smiled cheekily at Peppermint. "No need to apologize, you silly little IceWing. It's nice to meet you, the name's Shadowbinder. What's your name?" She asked Peppermint. The IceWing/SkyWing dragonet smiled warmly at Shadowbinder.

"The name's Peppermint. It's nice to meet you, Shadow." Peppermint said as she smiled brightly at the NightWing. The two dragonets then made smalltalk with each other while they waited for our other clawmates to arrive.

"Are you two in the Jade Winglet?" Came a voice from the entrance of the cave.

The two dragonets looked to see a SeaWing about their age walk in. With her scales a light blue, aqua green wing membranes and eyes. Peppermint couldn't deny she looked pretty. Her calm gaze and demeanor also relieved Peppermint. And maybe she would be safe and protected.

"You must be... Hurricane, right?" Shadowbinder asked, the first to recover from the appearance of the new arrival.

"Tempest," she corrected, though with a sincere smile and a nod of her head in greeting.

"I'm the NightWing Shadowbinder, and this is the IceWing, Peppermint. It's nice to meet you, Tempest." Shadow said as she introduced both herself and Peppermint to their SeaWing clawmate. Tempest smiled warmly and after a short while, she opened her mouth and began to speak.

"It's nice to meet you as well. Now all we need are the MudWing, SkyWing, SandWing, and RainWing clawmates." Tempest added, looking up from her scroll as she spoke. "It says here that there's a SkyWing named Ruby and a RainWing named Hummingbird in our Winglet." The SeaWing dragonet continued as she looked down at her scroll again.

Peppermint frowned and tilted her head to the side in thought. Her story blue eyes narrowed a bit as she looked around the cave before quickly spotting a group of three SkyWing dragonets. Hmm... I wonder if one of those dragonets is Ruby?

"Are any of you named Ruby?" Peppermint called out to the small group of SkyWing dragonets. As soon as she had finished speaking, the young hybrid noticed one of the SkyWings turning to meet her gaze.

The SkyWing in question had blood-red scales and auburn-colored wings. Her piercing yellow-gold eyes met calm stormy blue and she nodded in answer to her question. She then motioned for her to come over and join them with one of her blue and crimson spiral-patterned wings.

"So, I'm guessing that you guys must be my clawmates then?" Ruby asked the others with a small tilt of her head and a flap of her auburn-colored wings. Peppermint nodded her head at that and pointed a wing at Shadowbinder and Tempest. "The NightWing is Shadowbinder, the SeaWing is Tempest, and I'm the IceWing/SkyWing hybrid Peppermint." Peppermint said, introducing the three of them to their new friend and clawmate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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