Valentine Day Special

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Ship: Lyler
Type: fluff
Triggers: mid swearing.

( I know they might be out of character, but this is a late valentine days post.)

It was February 14th, about 3:30Pm mid afternoon in winter but it was a beautiful clear day and somewhat warm.. But lindsay sadly couldn't see tyler for Valentines day because she had a fever and she didn't want to get him sick. But tyler still wanted to see lindsay for this day full of love and happiness and gift giving.

Lindsay sat in bed in her pajamas, her eyes drowsy and red. As she sniffed while sipping on a cup of tea. While watching gossip girl on her computer something that Heather had recommended her to watch.

Shs heard a knock at her front door, she coughed a bit and slowly but painful got up form her bed, she puts down her cup of tea and paused what she watched. She headed downstairs. And opened the front door sniffing

"Hello-?" lindsay said looking at who was at her door, she let's out a slight Gasp as she saw who it was

"Tyler!" lindsay said a little loudly, as her eyes lit up in happiness but soon her expression turned to worry. She felt her heart racing "I thought I told you to stay away form me because I didn't want you have this cold I have..." lindsay said worriedly, her hand on the door frame as she stares at tyler.

Tyler laughed sheepishly, he noticed lindsay worried expression. He had something hidden behind his back" Well I actually came here to give you a Valentines day.. And I also wanted to see you I know you said you didn't want to see me because you were sick and you didn't want me getting it but. I saw something that reminded me of you and I couldn't resist getting you it." tyler explained, as he revealed a beautiful pink wrapped present, with a huge bouquet of flowers attached to it full of pink and white flowers with a letter.

Lindsay couldn't of had believed her eyes, she felt a little embarrassed that she hadn't gotten tyler Anything.. "Wow tyson.. I mean tyler this is amazing! What's with the gifts tho" lindsay asked comfusted

Tyler looked a little surprised but he remembered how bad lindsay memory was, he chucked a bit having a slight charming smile on his face "it's Valentines day lindsay" tyler said chuckling, as he looked at lindsay.

Lindsay eyes widen a bit, she just smiled a bit taking the gift. "I didn't get you anything tho, I'll make it up to you I promise" lindsay said worriedly, as she looked at tyler who just sighs "it's fine lindsay, you don't have to get me anything I wanted to get you something even if you didn't get me something. Go on open it" tyler said, with a small smile

Lindsay nodded her head, before she looked down at the gift then at tyler, she smiled took off the flowers "Can you hold the flowers for me" lindsay asked, as she hands tyler the flowers as she started to unwrapped the gift, once it was unwrapped she saw it was a pack of expensive hot pink and baby pink lip gloss, and a baby pink teddy bear, lindsay eyes lit up. "thank you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2024 ⏰

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