Lose to Win

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It's been a while since I've been to the studio, I hope I can get back into the groove of things. My stomach turning at the thought of stepping into the building, it feels all too familiar. I exit my parked car and prep myself to walk in.

I hear a car pull into the parking lot. Keeping my eye steady on it, out comes Coleman. He gets out of his parked car and notices me.

He jogs over, giving me a side hug with a little squeeze. How are you doing? he asks me removing himself the hug. Still standing close enough, he leans himself into the conversation.

I can say that I've had better days and that would be true. I'm as good as I can be right now, and that's okay. I deliver with genuine expression.

Ah, I see what you're saying. We've missed you on set. He pauses. I hope that today is one of those better days. He extends his hand, touches my arm giving it a strong squeeze.

I'll see you on set in a few. He backs away on his heels and turns around heading to the studio.

I look around the parking lot for a familiar car. With the car not in sight, I turn back to mine examining my hands making sure I have everything I need.

Time to work. I sigh deep and make my way to the door.

Entering the studio, it looks empty. Wondering where every one is, I walk a little bit more. I am startled by the sudden noise that erupted, I take a few steps back and put on an inquisitive look.

Welcome Back Fantasia! I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of support as I see the different faces. Standing before me is the entire crew.

Oh my god! What is going on?!

I thought I was all cried out but these tears are different. I walk over to the group of people and I'm handed a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers.

I hate y'all. I proclaim with a smile wide enough to hurt my checks.

Cruising the crowd, my eyes are looking for Taraji. Not seeing her car outside made me feel despondent. Trying not get to caught up in not finding her, I take in all the love. People are approaching me with cheerful energy expressing how they feel about my return. One by one, the crowd slowly disperse as we get ready to start today's filming.

Someone from my team grabs the flowers and walks them to my trailer. I give the room one more glance and I spot her. I start making my way.

Ahh, there goes my girl! She shrieks loudly and grabs my body thrusting it into hers. Hey baby. I throw both of my arms around her waist, take in her scent, and this moment.

Welcome back to filming, how does it feel? She says joining me at my side holding onto my arm and standing close.

I'm kind of nervous, unsure if I'm up for it today but I'm here. She grabs my chin in a way that positions my face in front of her own. You be gentle with yourself, no pushing ourselves pass our limits. You hear me. I nod offering a smile and a kiss is placed on my cheek. I love you girl, I can't do this without you. I say looking in her eyes. Our hands join together. Good, I can't do this without you either. Followed by a kiss on the back of my hand and a squeeze. Let's get today started.


I enter my trailer after finishing a scene with Coleman. I stand still in the middle of it feeling all of the emotions of my character. I try to shake it and give myself a pep talk.

Walking over to the vanity I remove pieces of her clothing as if doing so will help in distancing myself from her experience. I hear a knock on the trailer door. Give me a minute, I plead.

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