"Reality" - Fluff/Angst - Revin

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• Title - "Reality"
• Ship - Revin
• Type - Fluff/Angst
• Words - 967 (+127)
• Inspiration - A very silly conversation with frogsbluer


╰┈➤ POV Devin ⁀➷

I giggled as I took his hand, dragging him over to see the freshly made desserts. "Okay! Now that they're done you gotta help me decorate" I said with a smile on my face. He looked at me with a fake pout, "But my designs could never compare to thou master of desserts!!" He said, putting a hand over his chest as if announcing something grand. I giggled before playfully pushing him, "Stopp, your designs are great to Ritchie! They're sweet because you made them." He smiled, blushing, before putting his hands on my cheeks and giving me a light kiss. "Fine fine, if thou master of desserts asks of my help, help I shall give!"

I lit up with joy before grabbing the filing pipes and other decorative materials and laying them out on the island. "Okay!" I said clapping my hands together, "You make the first design and we'll go from there." He looked nervous, staring at the materials, "Do you really think that's the best plan? What if it's funky and so the rest end up looking bad to." "Hey cmon, It'll still look good. I could save it! And even if they look a little off it doesn't matter because I got to make them with you." I said putting my hands on my hips proudly. He smiled before ruffling my hair, "fine fine." I giggled as we started designing the various sweets.

⁀➷ Time Skip

"And Wala!" I said as I clapped my hands together. "Told you they wouldn't end out badly" as I looked at Ritchie and stuck my tongue out. He sighed before chuckling "Yes yes I shouldn't have doubted the masters ability to fix any mistake." I gasped as I turned to him "Hey yours weren't bad! Just a bit lop sided.. still good though and stop calling me that, " I said smiling. He grinned and said "fine fine."

He glanced at the sweets before looking back at me, "I get we were gonna hand them out to the others but I feel a bit tired." He said as he scratched the back of his head. "Oh! Thats okay, I don't mind handing them out by myself. You get some rest then silly, " I said smiling as I hugged him. He hugged me back before I let go, "Don't be gone too long, I'd miss you." "I won't!" I said giggling as he started to walk away. I turned back to the desserts sighing as I went to get the empty packaging out. I then began putting away the desserts in the packages. It's better to hand them out that way.

Once I was finally done, I went to grab them before I saw Lucas outside, I gasped as I grabbed one of the boxes containing the freshly made sweets and ran outside. "Lucas!" I said waving my hand and running up to him. He turned around to look back at me, "Oh hey Devin," he said with a small smile and wave. "Hello! I was wondering if you'd care for some cookies? Or cupcakes- Or cake.. we made alot" "Oh wow sure, I don't need that much though" I smiled before handing him the box I held as he took it he asked "What gave you motivation to make so much?" He smiled curiously. "Ohh, I wanted to decorate some with Ritchie so I ended up making a ton. Worth it though it was fun" I said grinning."

"Ritchie?" He asked. I looked at him a bit confused and said "Yeah!". He gave me a look I couldn't exactly understand, it looked, sad? Pity? I don't really understand. "Is something the matter Lucas?" I asked as I swung my hands together nervously.

"Ritchie isn't here anymore Devin."

"What? Of course he is. We just made those together." I said nervously smiling. What could he possibly be talking about?. He frowned as he shook his head, "Devin.. he's gone.. he's dead." My eyes widened as I stared at him. "What? You're joking, right? That's not very funny, we were just together." I said as I started scratching my hand. "I'm sorry Devin but he's been gone for a while. He isn't here anymore." My eyes seemed to widen as I stared at him with my mouth gapped, unable to say anything. I look away from Lucas as everything seems so  much darker. Those flowers I planted with Ritchie not too long ago weren't there.. everything seemed so.. dim?

I felt my heartbeat start to race as my eyes darted around, noticing all the differences. I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Devin? Hey hey, please take a moment to breathe, It'll be okay, " He said concerned for me. I opened my mouth but no words came out. Nothing felt right. This didn't feel like my body. I took a step back before finally choking a sentence out, "I need to check on Ritchie.." As I started walking back to my house not daring to look back at the stare I felt on my back.

I entered the house and closed the door before leaning back against it harshly breathing. "Ritchie.. Ritchie please where are you.." I said as I got up and started making my way upstairs where he should be but he wasn't there. It was empty. "Ritchie? Ritchie, where are you- please this isn't funny." My breathing started to quicken as my heart beat got faster, I tried to look around but every step I took, it felt like time got slower. It was hard to move yet at the same time I felt as if I was gonna collapse at the floor. And I did, I couldn't stand anymore, I felt weak. "Please.. Ritchie.. Where are you? "

"This can't be reality.. Can it?"


Author Notes - WALA AND DONE, omg for my first oneshot in a LONG time I love this so much. I was almost thinking of turning this into fluff after writing that first part because I got so giddy.

It's a true challenge trying not to tell frogsbluer everything I write😭

Anyway hope you enjoyed! Made a silly doodle based on this but it isn't finished, it's at the top of this post though so hope you like it. It's a practice since I've never drawn chibi though so don't attack me yet💀 still haven't even finished the sketch..

Sorry for any grammar mistakes btw!!

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