Lost in the Desert of Change: How do I break Free?

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In this strange place where words sting and laughter cuts deep, I'm wondering about the good times we shared. Your jokes, once fun, now hurt, making me think twice before speaking, and you wonder why I've changed.

You've changed too, but not in a good way. Trying to please everyone, adapting to what others say, even if it's things we used to hate together. I'm confused. Have I influenced you like this? Your actions puzzle me. 

I question if I'm at fault, but I see others like me happy without any issues. Your good intentions come out all wrong, especially when you make fun of me in front of others. 

People say, "Change your surroundings if you don't belong." It reminds me of a quote, "Feeling like a sunflower in a desert; some places just don't let you grow."
I know where I fit, i have seen the other sunflowers like me from afar but getting there seems impossible even though I can see it but i am still afar, there is a desert in between that seems never-ending I'm stuck in this desert with deep roots, tied to prickly cacti. 

How do I break free?

Lost in the Desert of Change: Navigating Relationships and Self-DiscoveryWhere stories live. Discover now