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In crowded rooms, my words dissolve,Lost in the din, unrecognized.
My thoughts, like whispers in a storm, Go unheard, never found.

Conversations like hollow echoes, My voice, a ghost that never haunts.
Truths crash like waves on stone, Hopes shattered by silent taunts.

I speak in colors, in unseen shapes, But the canvas remains stark white.
 My dreams, fragile as old paper, Fold under the weight of night.

Still, I breathe, I dream, I yearn, For a time when I'm truly known.
 In the quiet,I plant my thoughts,Hoping one day they will bloom.

Unheard, yet not unspoken, Invisible, yet profoundly real.
 In the void between the noise, I exist, longing to heal.

Lost in the Desert of Change: Navigating Relationships and Self-DiscoveryWhere stories live. Discover now