Part 15

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"I'm ready," you said as you walked into Cillian's living room.

He lifted his eyes from his phone, a second earlier he seemed busy but now he stared at you in awe. "Wow, you look beautiful darling, turn around" he indicated, making a circular motion in the air with one of his fingers.

You turned awkwardly and bit the inside of your cheek with apprehension. "Don't you think it's a bit too much?" you wondered, touching the silky fabric of your dress, it was shorter and way more revealing than what you used to wear on a daily basis.

Cillian shook his head and stood up, pressing his hands to your hips as he pulled you into a kiss. "It's a New Year's Eve party, you look perfect. If you didn't have to go I couldn't keep my hands off you, Y/N."

You put a hand on his chest and tilted your head to the side to look at him. "I could stay."

He let out a small laugh, noticing your unwillingness to go. Placing a finger under your chin, he lifted your face and pressed your foreheads together. "Listen to me, Y/N. You are going to that party and you will have fun with your friend, alright?"

"I'll try to, but I can't promise that I'll enjoy it" you muttered, rolling your eyes.

With one last peck on your lips, Cillian pulled apart and grabbed his keys. He would drive you to the party to make sure that you and Olivia arrived safe. Both of you were fine with it, after all, she knew about you and Cillian, plus you wouldn't have to worry about the transport.

You sent a quick text to Olivia telling her that you were waiting outside of her apartment. A few minutes later, she opened one of the back doors and got into the car. You smiled at her from the passenger seat but before you could stop her, she had leaned forward and was hugging you. Then, she turned to Cillian, almost contorting like a circus acrobat, and hugged him too, pressing her cheek against his.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Olivia! Happy new year!"

He seemed a bit taken aback by her energy and you couldn't help but laugh at his expression. "Sure, nice to meet you too."

He waited until she settled with her seatbelt on to start the car. The ride to where the party would take place was smoother than what you expected, although it made sense. She was an art student as well, of course she had a lot to say. Cillian parked and turned to look at you.

"Call me when you feel like going home and I'll pick you up, it doesn't matter what time it is."

You nodded, he had told you that same thing many times. Then he looked at Olivia and repeated it. She giggled and winked at you when he looked away.


Almost everyone there were Fine Art students, Olivia knew most of them as the social butterfly that she was. In the blink of an eye someone had wrapped you in a golden tinsel garland. Olivia grabbed your hand and took you to the dance floor, where you two danced among the tide of bodies. You found yourself laughing and having fun after a couple shots of tequila and the collective celebratory atmosphere that filled the air.

As Olivia disappeared to talk with some of his classmates, you scanned the crowd, recognising a familiar face. A few steps away there was Martha, Brad's girlfriend. She was staring at you too but when you waved with your hand at her she just frowned. Her reaction surprised you. As far as you thought, your relationship with her was cordial, you two weren't friends but you got along. You couldn't remember if she was involved in the Brad incident, but you hadn't seen her in months.

Martha approached you as she pushed people away and grabbed your arm, dragging you to a less crowded part where you could talk without the loud music blasting in your ears.

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