Orleans (II): Jeanne-Jeanne's Bizarre Adventure

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It was a sunny day in the land of Orleans.

The grass was lush, the wind blew freely, the birds were singing, the skies were clear, and even the ominous ring up there proved little to stain the lovely day.

Oh, there's also that lunatic over there starting a genocide against all wyvern-kind, but that's something you see every day in Orleans, so we're just going to gloss over it and continue the documentary--

Hm? You want the plot to continue, you say? Are you sure you don't want me to tell you all about the lovely Orleans, a land of lush plains, clear skies, and the occasional psychopathic dragon killers?

No? Oh, sod off. I could have made a little extra by narrating the scenery with some stock footage, but no, back to the wyverns it is. 


(Y/N) (L/N) likes to kill things for no real reason. In other news, the sky is blue, 2 plus 2 equals 4, and people die when they get killed. I'm stating the bloody obvious here, but bear with me for a second.

This time was special because (Y/N) did have a reason to punt things into the forever box... It doesn't make a difference if he has one or not, you would correctly assume.

(Y/N): I don't care if killing your entire race is enough to score me one multi, I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL IN EVERY TIMELINE IF NECESSARY!

What? I didn't say it was a sensible reason. I just said he had one.

There was no shortage of wyverns, however. See, wyverns are like the dollar-store version of dragons. Much lamer in reality, worse in quality than the real deal, and mass-produced to the point of obscenity. Like their more successful distant cousins, the hydra, you cut one down, two popped up.

Meanwhile, Mash worriedly looked over at the growing pile of wyvern carcasses to the side. A gentle soul that she was, she felt no small amount of pity for the wyverns, even if it was a bit annoying at how they seemed to multiply.

Mash: Uh, senpai...?!

(Y/N): Yes, sweetie?!

His tone switched from the manic slasher villain to the kind, easygoing one reserved only for Mash even as he was currently ripping off a wyvern's wings and using the body as a baseball bat to fend off the others.

Mash: Maybe you should rest for a bit?!

(Y/N): But if I rest, there's a chance one of them could get away! It's not genocide if there are survivors!

He was now repeatedly slamming another wyvern on the ground as if he were a metronome, like something out of a Looney Tunes skit.

Mash: Okay, but... Isn't this a bit too much?!

(Y/N): HA-HA! Love, there's no such thing as "too much" in the gacha world!

And now he somehow folded a wyvern into a giant ball of scales (with bone-crunching noises and all) before throwing it at the others, tumbling them down. Mash could have sworn she heard someone shout "STRIKE!" when that happened.

Mash: Okay, but how about, um... What if there were an even faster way?!

Senpai visibly paused (he was in midair and supplexing a wyvern now) before he finished off his current victim. Instead of just moving on, he vanished completely.

(Y/N): I'm listening.

Mash: Ah!

He was now right there beside Mash. She made a note to ask Senpai just how he was so incredibly fast to do that. Also how he seemed to do it so silently despite being so... er, bombastic.

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