Prologue: Sakura

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I feel something on my neck that jolts me awake. I realize it's Sasori and smile.

I sit up. He follows me, pressing his lips against my neck. Hard. "Sasori.." I start.

"I know, I know. Just let me have my fun first.. " He flashes me a pleading smile.

I sigh. Behind that innocent smile is an ulterior motive.

"Fine." He tackles me, planting a kiss on on my lips. My mouth opens to welcome him, as it always does.

After a few minutes, he flops back down onto the bed, exhausted, but happy.

"I love you," I hear him say quietly. He's not very open about his feelings. "I love you more." He chuckles. "I doubt that.."

Okay, you're probably wondering, "Isn't there a story to this? Are they already together?" To answer your questions, let's back it up.

Waaaay up.

Author's Note:

Weeeell that was skimpy.. I totally cheated you guys.. Chapters will be longer, don't worry!!

159 Words

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